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Created for: The Sims 3
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Robert Phillips is a dreamy passionate guy from the movie Enchanted. He meets a princess, Giselle and can't decide if it's a dream or real!! He saves Giselle from the wicked stepmother and they share True Love's Kiss!! He is portrayed by Patrick Dempsey. We hope you love him!!
Robert is made with maxis skin and game hair from the expansion generations.
No sliders were used to make him.
Expansions and stuff packs we have installed- TS3, WA, High End loft, Ambitions, LN, Outdoor Living, Generations, Town life, Pets, Master Suite, Show Time, Katy Perry, Diesel, SN, Seasons, 70,80,90s, University, and Island Paradise.
Custom content included- none included
Robert's clothes included with him are from the following expansions:
Athletic- shirt- Island paradise, pants- base game.
Sleep- shirt-generations, pants-master suites.
Outerwear-jacket-generations, pants-base game.
Swim-trunks-Island paradise.
Everyday-base game.
If you don't have the above expansions the game will replace the clothing with an item from an expansion you own!
Custom content pictured but not included-
Robert's formal outfit from the sims 3 store Dressed for dinner: See notes for link to this outfit
Giselle by us-Passionate sims here: http://www.thesimsresource.com/members/PassionateSims2/downloads/details/category/sims3-sims-celebrity-female/title/giselle-enchanted/id/1210721/
Poses by Sleepy-genius at Mod the sims, Eternila at Mod the sims and IMHO at sims3imho.blog.com Inna Lisa @ http://sims3-models.ucoz.com/forum/34-358-1#12530 Pose maker by cmomoney at Mod the sims.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1212672
ItemID: 1212672
Filesize: 932 KB
Robert's formal outfit shown but not included-Dressed for Dinner here: *click*
Please visit our blog for a free download Giselle here: http://passionatesims.blogspot.com/p/sims-download.html
Credits: EA
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: