Created for: The Sims 3
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
I was really indecisive whether to upload Robin or not, but finally decided to go for it! Hope you guys like him!!
Robin is all about smiles. He loves having a good time; he is the kind of guy that always sees the glass half full. To him, life is a party that has to be enjoyed. Even when he is at the lowest for him, Robin still finds things to be positive about and forgets about the negatives. He is in his last year of college, and although he loves college life, he is up and ready to take over the real world. He loves riding his bmx bike along the Californian beaches while he rides to class, and is actually pretty good at performing tricks also. He has no idea what the future has in store for him, but he does know that whatever comes along will be an experience to remember.
Hope you like him!
Short URL:
ItemID: 1190294
Filesize: 13 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

SOME of the CC is not included. If you want him to look as in the pictures, you will need to download the following:
Jeans, Eyes and Shoes are included (:
**NO Sliders used!!
**I have Base Game, World Adventures, Showtime and Seasons EP'S; some of the clothing he is packed with might be from any of the EP'S, but if you don't have them, the clothes will be automatically replaced with base game clothing.
Please DO NOT re-upload him or claim him as your own. If you want to use him for anything other than gameplay, please contact me prior to using him.
Thank you!
Credits: Cazy, Tifa, Sina, Darko and Sojoangel, you guys are aaamazing! Thanks for your creations!
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: