![Sims 3 — Taliesin ben Beirdd by murfeel — Taliesin is one of the world's most famous bards, second only to Orpheus](/scaled/1880/w-600h-450-1880385.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
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Taliesin is one of the world's most famous bards, second only to Orpheus himself. The head musician in King Arthur's court at Camelot, Taliesin brings awe and inspiration to all he plays for. Care to it down for a spell and listen? Forsooth, you won't regret it!
Young Adult
Personality Traits: Bookworm, Charismatic, Genius, Schmoozer, Virtuoso
Lifetime Wish: Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
Favorites: Fish and Chips, Indie, Blue
Voice: 3
Astrological Sign: Pisces
Despite being a real person who lived anywhere between 534-599 AD, Taliesin, Chief of Bards, is best known for his fantastical stories in Welsh mythology. Said to have been a musician for and companion of King Arthur himself, the real Taliesin did play in the courts of at least three Welsh kings. While nothing much is known of his childhood, mythology well picks up the slack: he is said to have begun his life as a boy of simple means, named Gwion Bach. Poor, he worked as a servant boy to the sorceress Ceridwen in her castle. She was preparing a special potion for her horrifically ugly son, Morfran, to make him the wisest man on earth, and tasked Gwion with stirring the powerful concoction. Gwion accidentally spilled a few scalding drops on his hand while mixing, and quickly licked the drops off, only afterwards realizing his mistake as the power of the potion filled him. Ceridwen, realizing what had happened, furiously attacked poor Gwion, who then used his newfound magic to become an assortment of animals in order to escape the mad witch. Unable to hide, he panicked and turned himself into a corn kernel. Turning herself into a hen, Ceridwen ate the seed and returned home, thinking Gwion had been finished off for good...but he wasn't--he was inside of her, as a fetus! Pregnant, Ceridwen gave birth to a boy far more comely than her own ugly son Morfran, but she didn't want another baby, and put the boy out to sea in a sack, which was blessedly found by a fisherman, who adopted the baby as his own and named him Taliesin, 'He of the Radiant Brow'. Taliesin later grew to be a powerful prophet and amazingly skilled bard and valued historian.
Extra CC Not Included:
-SKIN: Lemonleaf European Skin at http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e0010181ck.html
-FACIAL HAIR: Arisuka's First Aid Facial Hair at Mod the Sims (register) http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=394183
-HAIR: Kiara24's Conversion at Mod the Sims (register) http://www5.modthesims.info/d/434421
-TSM Conversions: Body Peasant Plain Wristband, Body Peasant Vest & Invisible Shoes at http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,20137.75.html
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1093905
ItemID: 1093905
Filesize: 7 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.
![Emma by MB by matomibotaki - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1779/w-133h-100-1779807.jpg)
![Tomislaw ~ Jack Boots for Men by Tomislaw - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1626/w-133h-100-1626234.jpg)
![Medieval floor tile 06 by SimonettaC - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1498/w-128h-100-1498443.jpg)
![For The Love Of Black 1 by Manipulated-Minds - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1486/w-134h-90-1486619.jpg)
![For The Love Of Black 2 by Manipulated-Minds - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1486/w-134h-90-1486621.jpg)
![CD_Celtic Chain 2 by TSR Archive - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/1280/w-125h-100-1280372.jpg)
You NEED to have the Extra CC Not Included ALREADY installed on your pc in order for this Sim to work! Don't try to install it without the items or disappointment shall ensue! Please do not re-upload as your own. Made with fully patched Base Game only. BTW, the formal outfit is FREE at the Store: http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:24623&categoryId=&scategoryId=11585&pcategoryId=&ppcategoryId=&gender=female&startAt=0 . Also, I MAY or may not have used a mole from http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=383343 ; I can't tell which ones are which in my stupid CAS, I apologize in advance if you have trouble installing. If so, download those moles as well.
Credits: TSRAA, the above CC creators
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