![Sims 3 — YAM Good guy from_street by Solny — Hi all! Today I want to share one sim from my Another_man_from_street](/scaled/2001/w-600h-450-2001333.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
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Hi all! Today I want to share one sim from my Another_man_from_street collection. What my collection is? It's a lot of sims I created and put in my sim-bin. So game can populate new towns with them instead of that ugly boring ordinary sims. All of my sims from this collection have no or a little CC, usually only non-default skin and sliders. (Info about this sim in notes)
This character is 'good guy' and you can meet him somewhere in town. I hope it will be pleasant meeting. Or you can play with him, just don't forget rename it ;) Enjoy!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1128075
ItemID: 1128075
Filesize: 2 MB
Skin used:
geldyh's non-default skin
Sliders used:
Facial sliders by ahmad
TumTum Simiolino's Chin cleft slider
GnatGoSplat's Chin width slider
Heiret's Chin to neck slider
I have all EPs and SPs up to Pets.
Created with game version 1.29.
Credits: To all CC creators
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