![Sims 3 — Immortals of Bridgeport; Megaera Erinnyes, The Furiae by amh1012 — [Pronounced: Meh-GAR-uh - Air-IN-eees] Big](/scaled/1731/w-450h-450-1731839.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
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[Pronounced: Meh-GAR-uh - Air-IN-eees]
Big cities are a strange, strange place - and Bridgeport is no different. Maybe you've felt it before; that surge of energy you just brush off as static electricity or maybe a cold chill. Maybe you've seen one of them - a woman that forced you to take a second look, sneak a third... one you that made you keep stealing glances even though you couldn't for the life of you figure out why. Have you ever just suspected something was off, even though you couldn't quite put your finger on it. "NOT HUMAN." You probably just laughed off the thought as the result of too much nectar and turned your attention back to your own life, your own friends; forced yourself not to look at or think about the fascinating stranger who was somehow both more and less than human.
Ever wonder why crime in Bridgeport is so rare compared to other big cities? Just send a big ol' THANK YOU to your resident Goddess of Vengence. Any victim seeking justice can call down the full wrath of the multi millenia old Furiae upon the criminal, and be awarded swift retribution - in the form of illness, or madness if she's feeling especially puckish. This Daughter of Night happens to prefer the seedier dive bars, and can usually be see throwing a few back at the local pool hall. Word to the wise? If you see her eyes start to drip blood - run. Run as fast and as far as you can - and hope you don't have any recent transgressions on your conscience.
SKIN: Evie's Non-Default Freckled & Speckled Skintone (LOVE IT!)
* Trust me, you NEED these! Best Sims 3 skintone out there, the detail is AMAZING.
HAIR: Peggy 524
http://www.peggyzone.com/Sims3Detail.html?id=000524&sortId=00 (mesh)
http://anubis360.blogspot.com/2010/10/peggy-hair-524-retextured-for-all-ages.html (retexture)
BROWS: Subaxi Eyebrows #11
SHADOW: Lemonleaf's smokey eye
LINER: Base Game
BLUSH: KittyKlan's High Def Face Mask
LIPS: Subaxi's Rabbit Lipgloss
EYES: Escand's Oh-My Contacts @ MTS:
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1048430
ItemID: 1048430
Filesize: 17 MB
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