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Created for: The Sims 3
Tropical modern house, modeled on that actually exists that inspired me, with three floors, modern rooms and exotic furnishings at the same time.
The villa has a large swimming pool and is complete with all comforts.Base Game Compatible,no need EP-Enjoy^^
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1201489
ItemID: 1201489
Filesize: 42 MB
The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

![Tacitum Hanging Cloth [Dress] by SIMcredible! - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/2247/w-133h-100-2247327.jpg)

![Tacitum Hanging Cloth [Jacket] by SIMcredible! - Click to view and download separately!](/scaled/2247/w-133h-100-2247341.jpg)

Thanks so much to all the fantastic artists for the beauty CC: --SimControl(thanks to Pilar!)-http://www.simcontrol.es/-.-Luna Sims--http://lunasimslulamai.jimdo.com.--Mussa-http://mussasims3.jimdo.com/-Mango Sims-http://mangosims2.free.fr/---ClioSims--http://cliosims3.blogspot.it--Sims Breeze (http://breezesims3.blogspot.com/)-Astra sims-http://astrasims3.blogspot.it/.-Simenapule-http://www.simenapule.it/
Credits: Thanks at all the artist of Tsr and the world of sims for more CC^^
- Price Unfurnished: 152288
- Price Furnished: 380201
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 3
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size (z): 30
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