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Created for: The Sims 3
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From the classic gothic soap opera DARK SHADOWS comes Barnabas Collins,the Reluctant Vampire, played by veteran Shakespearian actor Jonathan Frid (Dec. 2 1924-April 14, 2012). In 1796 Barnabas is engaged to the lovely Josette Dupres, the daughter of a wealthy shipping magnet. While on the island of Martinique, he has an affair with her lady's maid, Anglique Bouchard, a witch. Before his wedding to Josette, Barnabas rejects Angelique, sending her into a jealous rage. She begins casting evil spells on him and his family. When Barnabas realizes his families misery is Angelique's fault he attempts to kill her. She curses him to be bitten by a vampire bat. Barnabas dies and is raised again as a vampire. Angelique causes Josette to jump to her death from the cliff at Widows Hill. Barnabas is locked in his coffin by his father, who binds the coffin with chains, and tells everyone that Barnabas went to England. He remains imprisoned for 171 years until a grave robber searching for jewels releases him in 1966. He visits the present members of the Collins family and tells them he is their cousin from England and the greatgrandson of the original Barnabas Collins. What follows will change the lives of everyone in Collinsport.
Barnabas is an Adult male sim, sub type Vampire.
Life wish: Turn the Town
Traits: Brooding, Eccentric, Neat, Charismatic, Night Owl
Favorite Music: Classical, Favorite Food: Sushi, Favorite Color: Black
No custom skins or sliders were used, only those included in the Sims 3 game and its expansions including Supernatural.
Expansion/Stuff packs: I own them all. Late Night or Supernatural required for Vampire sub type and attributes (eyes, skin tone, needs). Supernatural required for Life wish: Turn The Town
Sims 3 Store items were used, but are not required for this sim to work.
EA Sims 3 store items used:
Hair- All Banged Up- http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:19067categoryId=13813scategoryId=11974pcategoryId=13818ppcategoryId=11960gender=male
Outerwear- Count M- http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:57522categoryId=13813scategoryId=11714pcategoryId=11711ppcategoryId=11710gender=male
Thanks to drstone for the Collins Family Mausoleum, available on TSR. Not required but a fun addition.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1189493
ItemID: 1189493
Filesize: 826 KB
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A bit about DARK SHADOWS- The Gothic TV soap opera DARK SHADOWS, produced by Dan Curtis, aired on ABC TV from 1966 - 1971. It revolved around the trials and tribulations of the Collins family, founders of the fishing town Collinsport, Maine. The storylines of the show included time travel back to the year 1796 and into two paralle universes, witches, warlocks, ghosts, werewolves and zombies to name just a few. In an attempt to regain the shows failing ratings, Dan Curtis decided to pull out all the stops and take the show down a supernatural road. The role of Barnabas was planned to be part of a short running story line, but Jonathan Frid was not an actor to take his roles lightly. Thru him Barnabas Collins became known as "The Reluctant Vampire"... doing what he knew he must do, yet hating himself for doing it. In no time ABC's share of the daytime TV ratings not only rebounded, they went thru the roof. Fan mail addressed to Barnabas poured in to ABC, primarily from women. The role that was to be a tempory job for Jonathan Frid, lasted 5 of the 6 years DARK SHADOWS was on the air. In 2012 Jonathan Frid made a cameo appearance in Tim Burton's remake of DARK SHADOWS with Johnny Depp in the Barnabas role. Producer Dan Curtis was a great lover of the Classics and incorporated plots from many great books such as Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, The Portrait of Dorian Gray and Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde into the show. A limited number of episodes can be seen on Netflix and Youtube. The entire 1225 episode soap opera series can now be purchased on DVD.
Credits: ABC TV, Dan Curtis, Jonathan Frid, Dark Shadows, drstone, EA
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Required Expansion/Stuff Packs: