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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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Chest tattoo for man and woman.
Bipolar, Cerebral Palsy, CP, Gastroparesis, Kidney Cancer, Lyme Disease, Depression, Mitochondrial Syndrome, Nephrotic Syndrome, Neurofibromatosis, NHL, Non Hodgkin Lymphoma, Prune Belly Syndrome, SCI, Spinal Cord Injury, TBI, Brain Injury
Bipolar, Zerebralparese, CP, Gastroparese, Nierenkrebs, Lyme Borreliose, Depression, Mitochondriales Syndrom, Nephrotisches Syndrom, Neurofibromatose, NHL, Non Hodgkin Lymphom, Prune Belly Syndrom, SCI, Rueckenmarksverletzung, TBI, Hirnverletzungen
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1645366
ItemID: 1645366
Filesize: 26 KB
For anyone suffering from a chronic illness and their families.
I will create more Awareness CC for various other diseases little by little.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any requests.
- Recoloring Allowed: See TOU on my profile page
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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