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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
The VISOR you see on the screen was used by Geordi La Forge in Star Trek.
A thin, curved device worn over the face like a pair of sunglasses, the VISOR scans the electromagnetic spectrum, generating visual input and transmitting it to the wearer's brain via the optic nerves. The sensors are located on the convex side that covers the eyes and connect to small input jacks implanted in the temples.
Glasses Category
10 swatches - Unisex - Teen to Elder
Base game compatible - New mesh made by me (included)
I hope you like it
My pics are not rendered and were taken without the HQ mod (but are compatible with HQ settings)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1593329
ItemID: 1593329
Filesize: 849 KB
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