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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a record player with a custom radio station that will play christmas songs IN GAME that I have rewritten ans sung in Simlish ! This item can only play this station, and your sims can turn it on and off and dance on it. It has simlish written version too.
If you're like me and love to put christmas songs while decorating and preparing for holiday seasons, this item is for you !
It contains 15 minutes of recording with 5 famous christmas songs.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1580709
ItemID: 1580709
Filesize: 27 MB
This item is basegame compatible and low poly.
It is not an override. This will not replace anything for your basegame content.
Although, it's cloned after the retro radio channel as a base. So Sims will react to it as if it was some retro music (they will love it or hate it).
You can only have ONE CUSTOM radio channel in your game. So if you already have a mod that adds custom radio channels, you'll have to choose or you can follow a tutorial to make them compatible. Link are not available in TSR? so you can find this link on my website !
More free content and exclusive items on my website: Syboulette. fr !
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
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