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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
I present to Joanna, a lively and pretty Sims! He loves collecting gems! She is romantic, art lover and outdoor fans!
You are going to have so much fun with this Sims in your game! And the best, she loves Albert! Who is Albert? Look at my page!
Hope you like it, enjoy!
You require:
Digital Deluxe Edition
Get to Work
Get Together
City Living
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine out
Perfect Patio Stuff
Movie Hangout Stuff
Romantic Garden Stuff
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1361817
ItemID: 1361817
Filesize: 115 KB
No sliders
CC Genetic:
Skintone - BlackMojitos Skintone Female and Male by S4Models
Skin detail - Skin Detail Kit N04 (Nosemask N01) by Pralinesims TSR
Skin detail - Skin Detail Kit N06 (Faceshine N19 Eyebags N09) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyes - Crystal Eyes Bundle N07 (Mystica Eyes N66) by Pralinesims TSR
Eyebrow - EyeBrowSet2 by ShojoAngel TSR
Eyelashes - 3D Lashes Version2 by Kijiko
Eyelashes - Skindetail Eyelashes V1 by MsBlue TSR
Lipstick - Taty Lips 66 by tatygagg TSR
Hair - LeahLillith Harley Hair by Leah_Lillith TSR
CC Closet:
Dress - Wool Dress by Neferu TSR
Duffle coat - Hood Duffle Coat (bracelet category) by Marigold
Bag - Handbag - TRAPEZE by SLYD TSR
Ensemble - PucciPantsTurtleneck by AAStyle
Earrings - Bonbon earrings by feyona TSR
Bag - Shoulder Bag 02 by Colores Urbanos TSR
Backpack - Accessory Backpack (Adult,Teen,Young Adult) by Jennisims
Underwear - Judie lingerie by Birba32 TSR
Scarf - Two Tone Scarf Female by Marigold
Bikini - Color Block Bikini by LuxySims3 TSR
Sandals - Madlen Babylon Sandals by MJ95 TSR
Backgrounds CAS - Backgrounds by Annette85
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- BlackMojitos Skintone Female and Male by S4Models
- Skin Detail Kit N04 (Nosemask N01) by Pralinesims TSR
- Skin Detail Kit N06 (Faceshine N19 Eyebags N09) by Pralinesims TSR
- Crystal Eyes Bundle N07 (Mystica Eyes N66) by Pralinesims TSR
- EyeBrowSet2 by ShojoAngel TSR
- 3D Lashes Version2 by Kijiko
- Skindetail Eyelashes V1 by MsBlue TSR
- Taty Lips 66 by tatygagg TSR
- LeahLillith Harley Hair by Leah_Lillith TSR
- Wool Dress by Neferu TSR
- Hood Duffle Coat (bracelet category) by Marigold
- Handbag - TRAPEZE by SLYD TSR
- PucciPantsTurtleneck by AAStyle
- Bonbon earrings by feyona TSR
- Shoulder Bag 02 by Colores Urbanos TSR
- Accessory Backpack (Adult,Teen,Young Adult) by Jennisims
- Judie lingerie by Birba32 TSR
- Two Tone Scarf Female by Marigold
- Color Block Bikini by LuxySims3 TSR
- Madlen Babylon Sandals by MJ95 TSR
- Backgrounds by Annette85