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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 9 Creations - Click here to show all
!!! N O T E !!!
This set has been updated after a Feb 2020 patch that made the bunk beds non-functional. Please re-download this set if you downloaded prior to this. You will also need to download the new top bunk bed which is part of the 'That's What She Said' series (set ID: 1477299) which also has additional bedding colors that are compatible with this bunk bed set.
The Tropic Like Its Hot Beach House Set was made for vacationing sims in mind. The nautical vibes of the bunk beds in this set let you fit lots in sims into a small space since those prime beach side lots come at a hefty simoleon price tag. Coordinating decor and wall treatments help you create a dream vacation house for your sims. The set includes:
1. Sea You In The Morning Bed - Bottom Bunk
2. Sea You In The Morning Bed - Top Bunk
3. Sea You In The Morning Bed - Ladder
4. Sleep On It Single Mattress - Tropical
5. Seas the Day Mirror
6. Seas the Day Wall Decor
7. Boardwalk Planks Wall Paneling
8. Keep Palm and Carry On Wallpaper
9. You Had Me At Aloha Wallpaper
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1456325
ItemID: 1456325
Revision: 5 (updated Aug 5, 2022)
NOTE ABOUT BUNK BEDS: The beds are fully functional as long as you do not move the bed frames or mattress vertically using the alt+9 or alt+0 cheats in game. Doing this will make your sim think they are unable to get to the bed. I made two frames each at the proper height for bunk beds so you should not need to move up or down in game.
Custom mesh by RAVASHEEN.
Search RVSN in game for all my cc creations!
Recolors are only allowed when proper credit is given, the original mesh is not included in the recolor, and posted without for free without ad.fly/paywalls or other spammy links.
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- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio

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