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*sweet_august*'s Guestbook

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

Hi (((Leni))) I thought you might be interested in the next (2) chapter(s) of Azra's story! It was almost a week for TSR to publish chapter 2 and therefor I thought I submit chapter 3 right after 2 came out... hahaha... they published it just a few hours later.... hahaha

IllandryaJun 24, 2010

Hi Leni! You are most welcome \:\) As a writer myself, I know it's hard to gauge how your readers are reacting if they don't leave comments so I try my best to comment on everything that I read. I had my last exam on Monday so I'm hoping to start my updates again very soon (hopefully this weekend) and I will let you know as soon as they are out. I've sketched an outline for the next chapter in each of the three stories, but the hard part is still to be done \:D PS - Judi is fine \:\) I never intended using my real name here, which is why it's not in my About Me, but one day it just slipped out and it was too late to seal up Pandora's jar.

Jennifer_RJun 23, 2010

Hi Leni! Thought I'd let you know, if you are interested, that part 2 of Will & Eliza's honeymoon collection has been posted on my new blog. Here is the link: http://thedrifter-jennifer.blogspot.com/2010/06/honeymoon-collection-2.html  Hope your having a great week! ~ Jen \;\)

flody888Jun 23, 2010

Oh, and thank you for your cute avatar! I have to remember to be careful when bookmarking someone whose name comes before 'A'. I don't want to lose this pic on my bookmark pod! \:D

flody888Jun 23, 2010

Hi Leni! Thanks for the heads up on your part 3! \:\) And thank you for the nice compliment! \:\) You're nice too! \:\) And so super talented! I forgot to add a WOW when you mentioned that this is your first week at TSR! You're such a great screenshot photographer and I really enjoy your legacy! It's easy to say something nice when there's something nice to comment about! \:D Have a super week! (Hope your week 2 is just as nice! \:\) )

martoeleJun 22, 2010

Hi Leni! I really do hope for you that you find a nice place to live! Hugs ~ Margo \:\)

muggelx1Jun 21, 2010

i like your last story...very good work..\:rah\:

mogan44Jun 21, 2010

P.S  Welcome to the community!

mogan44Jun 21, 2010

Thanks for the heads up!  I read it right away!  I can't wait to read more, you're very talented!

MangioJun 21, 2010

thank you Leni \;\) i was just reading it \:P how has your day been. just finished my homework, yippee \:D well not that i would've want any.

kateknightukJun 21, 2010

Hi Leni, thanks for the heads up on your new chapter, will try and get to read it this afternoon!  I have one of those Manic Mondays today!  Take care \:wub\:

fredbrennyJun 20, 2010

\:D And Thanks for commenting on my screenies as well! \:wub\: \:D

fredbrennyJun 20, 2010

Thanks for your wonderful comments on The Bonaparte and on my Story! \:wub\:  Have a lovely day!

dizzydianaJun 20, 2010

Thank you for the story comment!  I was so nervous making it! \:D  Have a fab day! ~ Diana

shaml_sim Jun 20, 2010

Wow, it would be hard to keep your grades above a distinction average but obviously you're managing to which is wonderful! I can imagine the stress though, and wish you all the best for the year you have left of studying (although if you go on to a doctorate, it will be longer!) \:\) I also hope you manage to get the funds for your trip to Poland, that sounds like it would be just fantastic. And converting to Judaism...I didn't realise it was such a long process. It's quite interesting to learn about what happens in a course like that because you don't hear of it very often so don't think you were boring me \;\) I hope you had a great weekend (yes, the weather is a bit drab but at least the sun was out today \:\)) and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

Jennifer_RJun 20, 2010

P.S. I bookmarked you so you get some extra kudo's. \:\)

Jennifer_RJun 20, 2010

Hi Leni! Welcome to TSR! \:\) Wow, you read The Drifter all in one go? That's absolutely awesome! Thanks for reading it, I really appreciate it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I actually have a new blog and I have posted all the chapters of The Drifter on there - with a light house theme! Feel free to pop by and have a look. http://memoirsofasim.blogspot.com/ - that is my main blog and there is a link to The drifter but here it is anyway: http://thedrifter-jennifer.blogspot.com/ I will be posting updates of Will & Eliza on their honeymoon, the first update has been posted. My new story is in the works atm and won't be ready for a little while longer. I noticed you have started on your own story and I will definitely read it soon. \;\) Well I hope your enjoying the rest of your Sunday and happy simming, Leni! ~ Jen \:wub\:

AshleyBlackJun 19, 2010

Hi, Leni! Thank you for your kind message in my guestbook! Have a great weekend! \:\) - Ildi

shaml_sim Jun 19, 2010

Hi Leni! Thanks for commenting on my blog and your congrats \:wub\: Yes, I'm very glad to have finished studying! I studied  tourism from mid 2007 and then I went straight on to study events management from the start of last year. But, as strange as it sounds, I'm actually going to start administration work on Monday at an architect's office. Before my studies, I worked as a trainee admin assistant and now that I've finished studying, I decided it was in this area I would prefer to work again. It'll be great to start earning some good money as I'm sure you know, it's not easy to get by as a student! \:rolleyes: I see you're doing a masters in (Jewish) History which is very interesting...I haven't known anyone studying that. Do you enjoy it - besides being sick of studying of course? \;\) You're already a popular member here at TSR too; your current story is fantastic and you're obviously very friendly \:\) Thanks again for your sweet message and I hope you have a lovely weekend!

IllandryaJun 18, 2010

Hi Leni! Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my story "Lost and Found". Hopefully I will have the second part out soon - just as soon as exams are over \:\) Welcome to TSR!

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