Time To Flush
Something is starting to stink , and its time to clean house.... I've
been downloading CC for so long and have acquired quite a collection of
great items. But lets face it, some of it is just to old and we have all
seem them and used them, colored and recolored over and over and over..
Not to mention those nasty little floaters that just cause problems
within the game such as making children wear boots and have them all out
of whack.. and so on and so on.. blah blah blah.. So its time to FLUSH out the old and bring in the new. I've seen some absolutely gorgeous new
clothes, shoes, makeup, and so much more created here on TSR and so
that seems to be a great starting place for filling up the Sim Closets.
Let them strut in style "as every Sim Star" should. How could I let my
little stars be so out dated, they were a laughing stock of gossip.. But
NO MORE... they will now be stepping out in style and be the trend
setters they were born to be. So look out my simmies the Stars are about
to shine with a new wardrobe stuffed with all the FABULOUS new
creations from the Fashion Gurus featured on TSR.. Sims everywhere will
see the model sims running the cat walk in the finest quality items and
be the envy of every sim dreaming of becoming famous and having such a
collection of their own.
Now with all this being said, I will be clearing out ALL cc from my
system and starting new.. There are a few favorites that will be left (
some items are just timeless) Not to mention it will improve the speed
of the game and open up memory and so on. OH and one other thing, I'm
seriously thinking of not using ANYTHING that is not in a simspackage
rather then standard package files so that when someone downloads from
any of my postings they will get what they see and not just portions of
it. Have tried really hard to avoid this already but with the cleaning
it should make it much easier to do so.
Enough of my ramblings, Happy simming everyone
I will soon be testing my hand at creating clothes and such so I hope soon to be part of the fashion group.. not sure that I'd fit into the
guru section though.