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A2J3's Blog


I have requested the all baby cc I have created that has not been updated be deleted so that you won't download cc that no longer works. However I did update some awhile back and they still work. Thank you for your kind words and support in downloading my baby cc.

Jo. S


My journey has begun in updating my baby cc. I never could have done this without the help and encouragement of The Sims Resource - mcrudd  so I'm sending a big shout out and much love to her. TSR has also been very helpful in helping me as well. I'm not moving very fast but I'm headed in the right direction. My sincere apologies for taking so long to get this done. Not only has some of my baby cc been updated but it now includes all Sims 4 babies not just some. Hope you like them. For those of you who like and download my content it would mean so much to me If you get the chance would you please stop by and show mcrudd some love for helping me please and thank you? She has some amazing cc.


Much Love 


Merry Christmas and Have Happy New Year

I want to apologize for my old baby cc not being updated. I know I said I would. Like so many others I've had suffered personal losses and illnesses these past couple years. Losing people you love unexpected or expectedly the hurt is the same. I had no problem making new baby content but failed for some reason at recreating my or updating my old. Please forgive me. I'm too shy to ask for help and so stubbornly I tried to fix it myself to the point of frustration. I love to make baby cc but I just can't seem to get it together and went to a place in grief I never should have went. With time and healing I hope to get back in there and make content you may love again. I just want to wish each and everyone of you who have supported me a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Much Love to all.



ALL OF MY BABY CC PRIOR TO NIFTY KNITTING UPDATE IS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH GAME IF YOU DID NOT UPDATE. IT WILL STILL WORK WITH BASE GAME. I'm trying to create new baby cc a little at a time for those sims 4 precious babies who have been updated. Do to personal issues and circumstances beyond my control I can't update the old baby content. I sincerely applogize for any inconvenience this has caused for those who have. I have created 1 new baby cc thats been released 4/11/2020 and have had absolutely no issues with it but again it's only for updated game. Thank you for all the love you have shown in downloading my baby cc it really upsets me I do not like disappointing those who take the time and down load my work. You keep me wanting to do better each time.

Baby CC Updates Delayed Continued

Hi fellow simmers do to personal losses and illnesses I have not yet figured out all the kinks to updating my older baby cc. I successfully created a skull baby onesie for the nifty knitting pack but can not remember how I did it. I'm sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this has or may cause those who download my cc. I've been overwelmed with grief as so many others during 2020 still seeking answers into 2021. As for now I'm just trying to get through each day. I hope you can understand. Much love to all. Again I'm really sorry.



I've tried to post to each comment but for some reason it isn't letting me. So I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has downloaded my content and like it. This really means so much to me. I'm have stepped away from creating in order to grieve family losses, but intend to return with more comment. Again I thank each and everyone of you and appreciate you. Much love to all...


Stepping Away To Regroup

Due to losing so many family members I'm going to need to take some time and regroup. If you did not update and purchase the Nitfty Knitting pack you should not have any issues. I want to thank each and everyone of you who have liked, loved and/or commented on my baby cc. I just can't deal with losing my mother and brother who was my biggest fans at anything I attempted to try to do. I sincerely apologize to those who have updated to the newer patch and content. I will Lord willing be back sometime to pick up where I left off but I just can't do it for now. Much love to all.


I’m so sorry to those who use my baby cc. Ive been down with uncontrollable muscle spasms in my back since end of July. Have made a new onesie for nifty knitting and testing it. However I’m on medication so it will be a bit before I release it. In the shape I’m in and sedated right now you never know what will end up where. Please forgive me for not getting them updated.


Baby cc and Nifty Knitting

I'm sorry to have to let you know that since the nifty Knitting update my baby cc no longer works correctly however if you did not update to the latest pack everything still works fine. Again I'm so sorry but as soon as a work around comes out if it does I will most definitely update my baby cc. Please forgive me for not being able to update a.s.a.p :(


I want to wish everyone a safe and happy new year. Thank you for all the love you have shown me by downloading my content. I also want to say thank you to TSR, all of the Sims 4 modders and cc creators for their unbelievable talents. I can’t wait to see what you bring to the new year. #HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Latest Headlines

DELETING OLD BABY CC UPDATED BABY CC Merry Christmas and Have Happy... ALL BABY CC PRIOR TO NIFTY... Baby CC Updates Delayed Continued TAKING A MOMENT TO SAY THANK YOU Stepping Away To Regroup DELAY IN UPDATING MY BABY CC Baby cc and Nifty Knitting HAPPY NEW YEAR
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