APhantasm's Blog
First World
[B]Desert Castle[/B]
Here is my first world (uploaded, actually second world being worked on - the first I'm not sure I will share).
This is made from a heightmap uploaded by auntielynds @ MTS. This is Version 1, Version 1 has lots already placed. Version 2 will have scenery added, eventually.
It is available from [url=http://www.mediafire.com/?x9xh0jd1fob8yb7]here....[/url]
Please let me know what you think....
An Intersting Experiment
I was just reading the forums here at TSR and notice an interesting experiment someone was doing. The person has a child and her parent homeless, their homelot is just a field with a couple benches.
I think this would be an interesting story to try and recreate. You can find the original idea for all this at.
My Lots
Well I hate it when someone decides to change the rules mid stream. TSR changed the upload rules. 9 of my lots that they had approved in the last 3 weeks have been sumarily rejected cause they now don't want to use the default pictures that the game exports with the lot. Pretty much I have to go back in do ingame screenshots and turn around and get them reapproved.
This will be extremely difficult to do as it seems my fix for my overheating problems has failed as my CPU topped 116 degrees Celsius last night after playing Ghostbuster the Video Game. Which is at least 50 degrees over the recommended temps for this processor.
I may try to runs Sims 3 and see if it continues to overheat. If it does then this round of overheatiing is not the fault of the program. If so then I am likely going to have to take it in and get it checked out. Again if that is the case I will not be able to get the lots that I need to get screenshots reapproved or build new ones.
Edit: Well its not just Ghostbusters as my CPU temps go up running Sims 3 also. So far I have had them top at least 80. Right now my idle temp is around 70 though and that is a tad high still as recommended for this processor is still 5 degree below that.
Anyways I managing to get my screenshots. I take the screenshots for a specific lot, minimize. Get them ready via photoshop, if they need it and then upload. While the game of course is minimize my temps go back to the 70 degrees for idling. Given time my lots should be back up and ready for download as early as this weekend depending on when TSR gets around to reapproving. Which they should do anyways since they were approved to begin with, before the rule change.
Re: No New Content
Not sure what was up the last two days or what I did, I did several things including changing settings in Bios. But my comp is nolonger overheating. Therefor I am back to creating. Right now I am working on a port of my A Phantasm Mansion 1. I should have it done in the next day or two, barring my comp wanting to overheat again.
Edit: Well I was working on it. Then my computer froze up. I don't know what was going on as it wasn't overheating as I had just checked and my temps were in the upper 60's to low 70's. I will probably start working on it again in the next day or two.
No New Content, probably till sometime in July
To those of you who look forward to my next creation. It will probably be a while down the road. Looks like I am going to have to take my computer in and have it checked out as soon as I have the money. CPU temp for whatever reason gets up to 100 degrees celsius within two minutes of starting the game. It didn't do that before yesterday when my computer crashed after getting upto 108 degrees celsius. Idle temps are around mid 60's to mid 70's. Sounds like the Heatsink is messed up, the thermal paste is gone or the fan is going out.
Sorry for this folks. I just don't want to risk my computer having a meltdown because its overheating.
Sims 3
I am sure people have noticed I haven't released any new items in awhile. I had decided to hold off till after Sims 3 is released. Once I figure out how to build and export stuff in Sims 3 I will be redoing my lots I did for Sims 2 and then going on from there. Some lots will likely not get ported to Sims 3 right away. So my Federal Fortress Remodels will likely not be redone as some of them can not be added, one of my remodels has a store and restaurant. I expect that stores and restaurants will not be included till an EP down the road. So those lots will likely not be redone in Sims 3.
Apartment Life
With my recent acquisition of Apartment Life. I have started work converting some of my older lots into Apartments. The first one is my Federal Fortress Remodel with store on one side and a garage on the other. The Garage will remain but the store is going byebye, need room for 4 apartments in the space there. One thing I hate about the Maxis Apartments is there all one bedroom. I am adding two or three bedrooms to each apartment. That means the third floor has been remodeled and basement has been added to add enough space for 4 apartments with more than one bedroom each. I am hoping by the end of the week I will have the Federal Fortress Apartments done.Clothing
3 more pieces of clothing are about to be released, by the time you probably read this they will already be released.It's not as easy as it looks. I've already scrapped some designs I was working on cause I couldn't get them looking right. I won't give up though. At least I don't plan on giving up. So don't be surprised if somewhere down the line you see more.
Federal Fortress pt 2
I've decided for the time being no more Federal Fortress remodels. The recent release of my Federal Fortress remodels, aka version 3, isn't going over as well as the first two. So I've decided to hold off for the time being on any more Federal Fortress.Federal Fortress
My last two Remodels of this put it over 170 download a piece (174 and 185). Those two along with Crystal Springs - 2 Summers Drive (207) are in the top three. If this one also gets around that same number of downloads I may end up doing more remodels of Federal Fortress as it appears people seem to like it.On a side note seeing how Crystal Springs - 2 Summers Drive is my most downloaded lot I am looking at remodeling it slightly to bring it more up to date.