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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

spitzmagicNov 19, 2009

Hi Bess, thanks for commenting on the "Pink Thing" Freddie wanted to sell it, I said no...LOL \:D

IllandryaNov 18, 2009

Hi Bess! Sorry it's taken a couple of days, but I'm crazy busy at work at the moment. Unfortunately you will always get comments from people who are just posting to get the kudos, but you shouldn't let those deter you from writing about what you really want to. I've just looked over some of the other comments on your story and I think you really nailed it! You've definitely grabbed some attention, so well done. I for one will be looking for your next story, whether it's a chapter of Apple or something more serious like the piece you just wrote. PS - I've just posted the last chapter of Alyssa's story, so hopefully it will be out in a day or two.

cazaruptNov 18, 2009

Hey Bess \:\) How are you \:D Some of your new lots look lovely. You are definately developing a good style. \:rah\:

CyclonesueNov 18, 2009

Hello Bess!  Thank you so much for stopping by at my guest book.  I'm really glad the window is being of use.  It's not often I actually hear from people who actually find a good use for something I make so I totally appreciate you taking the time to let me know - and your lots are gorgeous, by the way! \:wub\: Sue

Jennifer_RNov 17, 2009

Hey Bess, I just wanted to let you know that your story really touched my heart. \:\( Did you really go through all those things? It breaks my heart to hear that a young woman would have to go through anything like that. I think I may have told you already but one of my cousins I was really close to developed kidney problems. We pactically grew up together, along with her twin sister. (They weren't indentical). She fought for 4 long years and finally reached her 21st birthday, but then not long after that she past on. Thank you for sharing some of your life with us. Reading your story and hearing about the struggles that others go through really makes you appreciate the life that you have because one day it could be taken from you. You are such a courageous young woman and I can see that you still have alot of spirit in you. Bravo Bess, bravo! \:wub\: \;\)

eviNov 16, 2009

Hi Bes\:\) I very much appreciate that you took the time to comment on my paintings. Well the simséditions of the painter named Tsoklis. These six are in a set so if one just click on the set then the zip file with all six can be installed. See you around\;\)

Gizzy88Nov 16, 2009

Hello. Thanks for your comment on my new story, Nina & Dina. I uploaded the newest part today, so it should be ready by tomorrow.

shaml_sim Nov 16, 2009

Hi Bess \:\) Thanks for leaving your thoughts on my blog! Yea, I'll definitely feel bad about all the money I've spent on the Sims 2 EPs too, not to mention the amount of time I spent downloading custom content, haha \;\) But I'm glad you haven't regretted uninstalling it \:D

Jennifer_RNov 16, 2009

Of course I will check out your new story! I saw the blog you posted so I'll keep an eye out for it. \:\) I hope you are feeling better today after your chemo on the weekend. Do you have air-conditioning at home? We have a small one but it only cools the living area's so we put fans on in the bedrooms. Yes I'm excited for WA coming out too. I may get mine a bit earlier because my boyfriend owns a games store. (Not trying to rub it in though! \:P ) Hope your having a good day and staying cool! \:wub\: \;\)

Jennifer_RNov 16, 2009

Hey Bess, my weekend was okay how was yours? \:\)  I've almost finished my story and a lot that I might upload soon. It was hot all weekend in Melb. Last night after dinner I went for a run, the sun had just gone down, the air was still warm but there was a cool breeze....perfect for exerising. It was great I love getting out there and running, last night I felt like I could run forever.... ha ha but there are few hills involved on the route I take and I haven't yet mastered those. :P  I really want to go to the beach this week, it's going to be 36 degrees on Thurs....... maybe a sick day is in order! \;\) \:wub\:

topaz27Nov 15, 2009

Hi Bess \:\) Your very welcome, I think your screenshot is so funny \:D well done and congrats on having it featured \:rah\: wishing you a lovely Sunday and I hope you have a great week too \:\) TC Topaz \:wub\:

jtmaxNov 13, 2009

Hi Bess. I really appreciate your posting regarding 'Lallybrook Cottage'. I am delighted and grateful to know that you love it: keeps me goin'. Thank you.      

rubikaNov 13, 2009

no problem\:\) thank you for sharing with us your work!

Jennifer_RNov 13, 2009

Hey Bess, how are you today? So glad it's Friday. It feels like it has been a long week. Hope you have great weekend! \:wub\: \;\) 

Foxi_iveyNov 13, 2009


spitzmagicNov 13, 2009

Hi ya Bess, yep it's Clue, boy I loved it too, though I seldom won. Thanks for the comment. I really like your paintings, that some pretty neat work..have a wonderful day.

libertyNov 12, 2009

And thanks for your comment on my screen it's indeed creepy, that's why I used it as a base model to create the Goth Manor Thanks

libertyNov 12, 2009

Hi Thanks for reading my story I'm glad you like it.... Thanks for the comment.... Stay tunned Hugs

cadivaNov 12, 2009

hiya, thanks so much for leaving such a lovely comment on my Markham House lot, it's always really nice when someone takes the time to say what they think about something they've downloaded \:\)

IllandryaNov 12, 2009

Hi Bess! That's kind of how I feel about Alyssa. What other drama could I put this family through without it becoming a daytime soap? And, well, to be honest, "perfect" lives get boring very quickly! That's why I made the decision to end it - but I've saved the family separately so once I have all my screenshots I can keep playing them. I totally understand what you mean about breaking things up ... I'm kind of thinking that way for my next project, planning a couple of short stories interspersed into more involved ones.

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