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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

tillymint99Feb 22, 2010

I hope i don't offend you ,n you don't have to answer this if you don't want to but how did Bess die ?

Jennifer_RFeb 22, 2010

Hi Mae, hope you had a great weekend. Just letting you know that part 4 of The Drifter has been published. \:\)

IllandryaFeb 20, 2010

Hi Mae! The one thing that is confusing about Veronika's new home is getting used to the different user names *lol* I almost didn't recognise you! Thanks for your comments, they are appreciated. You guessed right, of course - good thing I moved to a non-rated site when I did or I could get myself into trouble \;\)

IllandryaFeb 20, 2010

Hi Mae! Thanks for the birthday wishes \:D I just thought I would let you know that the new chapter of Veronika Storm has been published on http://veronikastorm.blogspot.com/

RosaleenaFeb 19, 2010

Good for you, Mae! Enjoy university! I am looking forward to your next story. ros xx

Jennifer_RFeb 19, 2010

Hi Mae, just checked your blog out! Looks cool and you have a very promising story on there. I don't think it will be long before alot of people start their own story blog....of course as well as their TSR page. \:\)

Jennifer_RFeb 18, 2010

Hi Mae, just wanted to wish you a lovely weekend! \;\)

IllandryaFeb 17, 2010

Hi Mae! Of course I don't mind, you goose \:D I'll even add your link to my blog if you'd like when you are all set up and ready to go. I was speaking to drewsoltesz about the move - she is the one who helped me - and her idea when she first got her own blog was to have a ring of sim stories blogs that linked to each other. It didn't quite work out the way she had planned, but I think it's a great idea \:D

Summer_NekoFeb 16, 2010

We are thinking of the same Sia! Thanks Mae. After hours of listening to her songs and going over my notes I finally decided on a title, "Don't Bring Me Down". I love that song.    Well, to answer your questions, the story is bascially about a group of young adult living their lives in Sunset Valley. (Kinda like True Life or something like that.) I'm thinking about making it into a series.   Thanks for the help Mae! Have a great day! \:wub\:

IllandryaFeb 16, 2010

Hi Mae! Good luck with the move and uni - I know exactly how stressful this time of year is for that particular little activity \:D Take your time and publish when you are ready; there is no need to rush anything. I'll keep an eye out for your stories when you have everything sorted \:\)

Golden97Feb 16, 2010

Hi Mae! \:\) Your welcome, they were very good stories. \:wub\: Good luck with the move and uni \:\) - Katie

martoeleFeb 16, 2010

Hi Mae! Thank you for being so considerate as to let us know of your future absence. I wish you luck with your move and as well with the University start. A carreer is more inportant but... please don't forget to write a story now and again. Hugs from Margo.

Adele_SimMakerFeb 16, 2010

Oooh, that would be great!!!! Yes, pleasey pleasey pleasey!!!! Thank you ever so much!!!\:\)

shaml_sim Feb 16, 2010

Good luck with moving and I hope you enjoy the start of uni \:\) I look forward to checking out your new stories when you are back uploading!

Jennifer_RFeb 16, 2010

Hi Mae! Goodluck with your moving and uni too. What will you be studying? I always wanted to go to uni but things didn't really go my way when I finished school so I went straight into the workforce. I so can't wait to read your next story. \:\) It's quite addictive isn't it, story writing. Have you checked out Illandrya's blog for her stories, they look very cool. Well take care and I look forward to chatting whenever you are free again.  ~ Jen  \:wub\:

Vanilla SimFeb 15, 2010

♥ Hope you had a ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

Jennifer_RFeb 15, 2010

Hi Mae, thank you for your great weekend wishes. It was great but went quickly that's for sure. The weather is a little cooler lately which is nice so we've been completing lots of jobs in the garden and just general around the house stuff. I re-installed all my sims stuff again but didn't get much time to play, hopefully this week. Well I hope you had a lovely weekend. \:wub\: \;\)

spitzmagicFeb 14, 2010

Happy Valentine�s Day

IllandryaFeb 14, 2010

Hi Mae! Just a quick note to let you know that I will be moving my Veronika Storm series to a new home over the coming weeks. There won't be any new stories until the migration is complete, but I'm hoping by the end of the month it will be all up and running smoothly. My new stories home is here: illandryassimstories.blogspot.com. I'm not leaving TSR, and will most likely still be publishing some short stories and lots here, but I want a little more control over what is posted and when. I will let you know once it is all finished and hope that you will visit me over there.

shaml_sim Feb 13, 2010

Hi Mae \:\) Thanks for checking out my possible wedding venue in my blog. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, too \;\) I'm from Brisbane too, and the customs house would be beautiful to have a wedding in but I can imagine the cost. Even that place in my blog (The Landing - it's on Brisbane river as well) is quite expensive. It's mainly the cost of the food that hikes it up. I'll be saving right up until the day I think \:D

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