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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

muggelx1Feb 13, 2010

The beginning of your story I find really good .. hope I can read more from you ..\:rah\:

IllandryaFeb 13, 2010

Hi Mae! Thanks for your lovely comment on my new Veronika Storm chapter. I'm amazed at how well this series has been received here at TSR and just love writing it - with little mini-adventures and an ever-increasing cast of characters I hope it will be a long time before it gets old \:D

dizzydianaFeb 12, 2010

Hello, I just wanted to say that i think you are amazing carrying on with all your sister's creations on here.  She was very talented.  It's a lovely thing to do and you are doing a wonderful job.  Take care ~ Diana x

KtanaquiFeb 8, 2010

Sorry for the VERY VERY late reply. Hope your holiday season was good too. My laptop went down, so... but that's OK. I'm on my mom's now, and I'm going to be visiting here regularly now that I have free access to it lol. I shall read your story and provide feedback. Thank you for telling me about it.

Jennifer_RFeb 8, 2010

After all that babble I forgot to thank you for your lovely comments on my story! Thanks Mae, I'm glad your enjoying it! \;\)

Jennifer_RFeb 8, 2010

Hi Missy Mae, my wkend was good thank you. \:\) We are having another hot week again in Melb. We had a massive down pour last week so our water tank is full to the brim. It's amazing what a good water from the skies does for your plants. I swear some of our new trees we planted grew over night! lol I guess tap water just doesn't cut it, probably the fluoride in it. So your moving....I wish you goodluck with that. It can be stressful organizing everything. Cool, you downloaded the create-a-world. I'd love to see some pics when you have the hang of it. Did you end up speaking to cazarupt? I just checked out your new lots, sims and pictures. You've been a busy girl! I really want to create another lot but time is not on my side at the moment. Oh I can't wait to read your story. Depending on how long it is TSR submit them pretty quickly. If your having any problems you can send Saoz a pm. One of mine got stuck on...er..edited and she fixed it up for me. Partly my fault as I went back and edited...twice! lol Your dream sounded very weird but the part about shopping and Bess going to my place. Ha ha ha. Bless her little heart! I've been having weird dreams too lately, but I think it's due to me overheating in bed. We've been sleeping with a doona on all summer and I've waking up in hot sweats. The subconscience is a weird one. When ever you feel like a chat just drop by, don't think that you are taking up my time. I love talking to people on here! \:wub\: \;\)

IllandryaFeb 7, 2010

Hi Mae! Yes, you're right, there was very little "stuff" on there.As for the points - there was no notification in my box either and when I installed it there was no notification to register. So I went to the official site to register my game and voila, upon registratration, there appeared a little button to push (in my store account) to redeem my 1000 points! I can tell you that it made the small quantity of stuff seem not so bad - I paid $25 at Kmart for it and got $17 to spend at the EA store, so really it only cost me $8!

spitzmagicFeb 7, 2010

Hi ((((Mae))) thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to see you. Thank you very much for your compliments on my stories. Have a great Sunday \:wub\:

martoeleFeb 7, 2010

Hi ((Mae))! Nice to hear from you. Thank you for writing me. \:\)  I hope, that you and you're family are all right... Hugs. Margo.l

Peachybitz1Feb 7, 2010

Hey Mae \:\), how are you doing \:\)? Thailand is beautiful, haven't been there myself, but quite a few years ago I visited Indonesia, and I loved that..all the temples and paddy fields \:\)...not been a lot going on with me really..working, sleeping and stuff \;\)...been trying to get out every weekend, taking pics and seeing the scenery \:\)..and I've been spending some time cooking, don't have time when I'm on the sims all the time and I end up using a lot of pre made meals which is a bad habit I hope to get out of \;\)(along with a lot of other bad habits I have \:D). Hope your weekend is going well \:cool\: \:wub\:  

Golden97Feb 7, 2010

Hi Mae, I did not know that had happened, im so sorry for your loss. \:\( It's nice to hear that you are going carry on what she didnt get to finish \:\) \:wub\:

IllandryaFeb 6, 2010

Hi Mae! Thanks for reading my story "Dreaming of the Stars" ... you're right, it's nice to take a break every once in a while and I'm hoping to put out a little short story in between the larger chapters of Veronika Storm.

fredbrennyFeb 5, 2010

\:wub\:Thanks for the congratzzzz Mae....I think it's freakin' awesome too!\:D

Jennifer_RFeb 5, 2010

Mae, you are spot on about the Sims 3 create-a-sim. For some reason they bought this out seperate to the game even though it's in the game already. Go figure! Doesn't really make any sense to me. Maybe they thought they could make some extra $$$ because they haven't made enough already. Okay, that was a cheap shot. Maybe it's for people who want to create sims and upload them on the exchange. As for any other 'create' pks, there 's only create-a-world. I'm sorry though lovie I don't know much about this. You can talk to cazarupt on TSR, he is in the process of creating one at the moment. \:\)

Jennifer_RFeb 5, 2010

Hi Mae, just stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend! \;\)

Jennifer_RFeb 3, 2010

Hi Mae, lovely to hear from you. It must have been nice to get away for a little while and take some time out for yourself. I don't get to do that much, I have too much tying me down. lol I hope that you are doing okay and your family too. \:\) I haven't been up to much, it has been so hot in Melb lately and I think it's going to be hotter this week too. I've been trying to finish part 3 of my story but work is busy and I just haven't been very motivated. I guess it's best not to rush it though, so then I can get it right. Hope your week is going well, talk to you soon. \:wub\:

IllandryaFeb 2, 2010

Hi Mae! It was lovely to hear from you. I hope the time away helped a little - the need to get away from the familiar to clear your head is something I can definitely identify with. The rain here has been nice and is keeping the temp down a little, unfortunately having to keep the windows shut to stop it getting into the house is another matter entirely! On Sunday it was blowing a gale and I had the rain coming in every direction. I probably don't live as close to the water as you, but we still get the bay "breezes" here at times. I hope it isn't too difficult to get your window fixed \:D

Peachybitz1Feb 1, 2010

Hey Mae \:\), how are you? Where did you go for your trip? Did it help? Sometimes it does help to have a change of scenery, even if it takes your mind off things for a little while, to give your brain a chance to breathe, if you know what I mean \:\) \:wub\:

fredbrennyFeb 1, 2010

Hi Mae! Thanks for stopping by and leaviong a note in my guestbook! Hope you are doing fine, and hope your trip was good! I'll be back to check on ya, and just wanted to say HI too! Hugs, Fred\:\)

ataylor69Feb 1, 2010

Wow, Mae! I am so terrible sorry to hear about your loss. You are most wonderful in doing what you are to keep her alive in everyone's thoughts through her mini site and all her creations. I wish you well for the future and hope that as time goes by, your pain lessens and you remember all the good times and fun you had with your sister. I didn't know her well, but remember always coming across her creations and was sad to hear that a member of the community was gone. Welcome to the site and hopefully it will help ease your pain a little to do this in memory of your sister. \:wub\:

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