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AbsintheBess's Guestbook

Jennifer_RFeb 1, 2010

Hi Mae, just stopping by to say 'hi!' Hope everything is okay and that your keep your spirits up! ~ Jen \;\) \:wub\:

OCIKITTENJan 31, 2010

I had not been on the site in a while and just read the update about what has happened. I am sorry for the loss and thank you like so many other for attempting to finish the work Bess had started.  She was always so kind to the folks on here and everthing she ever uploaded was just wonderful.  I wish you good luck on your endeavors on TSR.

Peachybitz1Jan 30, 2010

Hey Mae, how are you doing \:\)?

Peachybitz1Jan 27, 2010


topaz27Jan 23, 2010

Hi Mae, I just wanted to call by and say hi \:\) I hope you and all your family are keeping well, and I do hope you have a lovely weekend \:\) take good care, lots of hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

Jennifer_RJan 22, 2010

Hi Mae, how has your week been? \:\) So it's Friday..again. lol I'm certainly not complaining. lol Will you be doing anything for Australia Day? We'll probably just stay home and have a few drinks with friends or family. How are you going with your story? I am missing Bess' gb entries she would leave me. It was nice to chat to her during the day. She always had something to say! lol I hope you've had a good week and your family is doing well. ~ Jen \:wub\:

IllandryaJan 21, 2010

Hi Mae! Just wanted to pop in and say "hello" \:\) Hope the weather here in Brissie isn't melting you. Personally, I love the heat but I've always prided myself on being a bit of an oddity \:D It's the Aquarian side of me!

Peachybitz1Jan 20, 2010

Hi Mae \:\), I haven't been around for a bit, but I thought I'd see how you were doing \:\). Hope you are ok \:wub\:

fredbrennyJan 19, 2010

Just dropping in to say hi to you and I must say: what a lovely new banner! \:wub\:

Jennifer_RJan 18, 2010

Hi Mae, that's very kind of you...thank you. I do have one ready to go. lol But it's just the size thing I'm having trouble with. I will try again and if it doesn't work then I will take you up on your offer. \:D Did you get some rain the other night? We had so much is such a short period of time. Today it has been on & off but very heavy and of course then the sun comes out again. lol Hope your having a good day! \:wub\:

Jennifer_RJan 16, 2010

Hi Mae, yes I have to agree with you on nothing beats Harry Potter! I have read all those books and seen the movies too, and I loved them. Wow you read the Twilight books three years ago, I'm really late in reading them then. lol I saw the movies first and then read the first two books so maybe that made a differnce. You know the whole hollywood thing they do. And yes Stephenie Meyer was defiantly in the right place at the right time.  I don't think she is the greatest author either, the books are really easy to read but I do still like them. It's hard to find good books these days. I've actually got her other book The Host, although I never finished it due to it being so boring. rlol Can't wait to read Bess' story your finishing, I look forward to it. \:\) \:wub\:

IllandryaJan 16, 2010

Hi Mae - don't I know it! I've got the fans going and a big bottle of cold water next to me. But, then, January in Brissie tends to be like this \:D

PenelopeTJan 15, 2010

Hi Mae, just dropping off *Hugs*. \:wub\:

topaz27Jan 15, 2010

Hi Mae, I have just logged in and read your message, Thank you so much for letting me know about the photo's of Bess, they are so beautiful and it is so lovely of you to share them with everyone \:\) I also love your new banner and avatar, it looks so nice to see your name there too, it looks so right seeing both your names together \:\) and I read what you have written in the 'about me' section, it is beautiful \:\) and I am very grateful for the poll \;\)  do take lots of care \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

Jennifer_RJan 15, 2010

Hi Mae, thanks for your sweet comments on part 1 of my new story. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Not sure what I'm doing. General boring stuff probably like cleaning the house, washing etc. Do you like many movies? My boyfriend and I watched The Perfect Getaway with Mila Jovavich (not sure how you spell her last name lol). We watch way too many movies and have become very crital of them but we sat all the way through this one. It was quite good, it had you guessing...I guess then it's a thriller. lol Well I hope you have a good one whatever you might be doing and keep your chin up. ~ Jen \:wub\: \:\)

xxheartlessxx12Jan 14, 2010

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news...my sincere condoleneces...she was a lovely person, it's very kind of you to continue the projects on her behalf, she will be greatly missed. God bless and I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

ViolettSeptemberJan 13, 2010

Hi Mae, thanks for ur guestbook entrie that is so nice from you, i wish u a nice day \:wub\:

fredbrennyJan 13, 2010

Hi Mae, \:\) thanks for your message about the gallery. I will check it out now!

IllandryaJan 13, 2010

Hi Mae! Thanks for letting me know about the pics, I'll pop over now and have a look \:D

Jennifer_RJan 13, 2010

Hi Mae, those are some wonderful pics you have chosen to share with us, thank you! \:wub\: I am well thanks and how are you going? Back to work this week for me. (**rolls eyes**) I feel well rested though after having 3 wks off. Just relaxed and did a few things that I wanted to do....read the first two Twilight books, went to the beach, played my simmies until I was cross-eyed! lol  \:\)

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