Some people make me laugh...
Seriously, if someone from your distant past came back and messaged you about how sorry they were for bullying you mercilessly for at least two and a half years of your school career, would you forgive them?
Or, put it like this. Would you forgive someone who bullied you mercilessly for at least two and a half years of your school career, affected your studies to the point where you couldn't concentrate any more, made you so sensitive to criticism and social situations that even now, you find it hard to trust people until you really, really know them, turned some of your friends and classmates against you, made you too scared to attend your favourite lessons so you just used to spend the whole hour hanging around in the school toilets nearly crying with fear and nearly made you slash your wrists at the age of 14???
Got this message from one of my old 'classmates' this morning...
hello adele. i think you know who i am. if not, then basically i'm the idiot who did some not very nice things at school. I want to apologise for being such a jackass. I look back at how i was then and it saddens me to see how much of a dick i was. I am sincerely sorry and i have grown up a lot and learnt a lot of life lessons during and since school. Whether it was a big deal to you or not, i still believe i was wrong to act the way i did. I hope you can find it within you to forgive me but if not i understand. I do really wish you all the best adele. yours truthfully stuart eades
Just feel like telling him to screw off...nice to see that being in the top group in English has impacted so well on his grammar and punctuation.
Makes me feel sick just reading it. If he messages me again, I'm going to email the admins on Facebook and ask them to block him from contacting me.