Just A Quickie - And Its Not Good..
Bad news everyone,
My copy of Sims 2 decided to randomly go nuts on me..
Firstly, it failed to recognise I had the University installed..
I thought..
"I'll just reinstall it.."
Then realising all my CDs copies of the Sims were a few hundred miles away at home, not on campus.
Which would otherise have been fine..
..if the game hadn't started experiencing graphic tears..
And before anyone goes:
"itz ur grafik crd u n00b!"
It's not, 'cos I can still play Empire: Total War.
So, I'm a loss to what is the problem.
Still, could be worse.
In the mean time, it means no more uploads (except for "Ashbeck Bungalow", a two bedroom bungalow) until I scramble back home to get the discs, which will be about in 3 weeks time.
So in the meantime, here's a few sneaky peaks at the new bungalow, looking forward to your feedback as always.
Anywho, I hope to be continuing my unhealthy habit of Sims 2 Architecture soon!
Till next time!
How could I forget?! The V-Log video of this build is on Youtube!
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