![Sims 4 — Xmas Solid Bow Bottom by AleNikSimmer — I'm doing some recolors of BG/Packs items to match a kind of xmas vibe.](/scaled/2889/w-600h-450-2889361.jpg)
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I'm doing some recolors of BG/Packs items to match a kind of xmas vibe. I don't know if I'm able to finish before christmas but I hope I can upload the most of them. For human clothes I tried to use the same color scheme (even if some are slightly different), for pets I'm doing some recolors too but I've followed a different color palette (if I don't change my mind). Most of the items (the ones without their own fabric texture) also have a pattern version in four variations (uploaded in different posts so you can choose the one you prefer).
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1398340
ItemID: 1398340
Filesize: 475 KB
Requirements: Base Game
Age: To
Gender: F
Replacement: No
Random: No
Colors: 8
- Type: Bottoms
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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