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magicmorgieFeb 15, 2019

Im still mad btw

magicmorgieFeb 15, 2019

WAIT is this set before weredad? it would make sense?? thinking 'she has luka' (ewwwwwww I wanna die every time I write that) and 'no shes not in love with me' but weredad just says no shes in love with chat noir and hes like omg huh really?? oh my god ??

magicmorgieFeb 15, 2019

yup most of it was filler and recap, I agree about chloe, I thought she was getting better but nope, oh my god nathalie I didnt think she cared so much=?? I didnt think she actually cared about adrien actually, she got herself in a mess sigh and yup gabriel is like.. he completely lost it, I want my son to be happy lets destroy everything and not let him out WTF dude chill x_X I swear hes losing it more and more, wasnt he like less crazy? in s1? it feels like hes descending even more into madness somehow wtf. I dont know about marinette giving up on adrien, we dont know if backwarder is before or after this episode, I think maybe shes trying to follow the be friends with him first advice? maybe?? and no it wasnt just you!!! SHE PUNNED, she stared at him with a really soft look too, shes probably starting to have feelings for him (honestly probably starting glaciator and it showed more in sandboy do you remember) I think maybe it's gonna be the im in love with adrien but Im starting to have feelings for chat too mess? unless she doesnt even realize it LIKE SOME PEOPLE god ughhhh. f******* luka ikr? the mention of his name is what made me most mad, IT LEFT SUCH A BITTER TASTE ugh Im not even like particularly mad at adrien like you Im just despairing for him at this point LIKE SOMEONE SHAKE THIS BOY. do you think he was hoping it was from her? thats possible, he seems ok with half the city being in love with him maybe he just doesnt believe it cause marinette is so amazing and hes not sure he deserves her or something? (gamer episode? I think they both have some confidence issues sometimes) ugh yeah adrien almost finding gabriel again makes me scared about it being foreshadowing oh my god no x_x collector scared the life out of me please not again. AND UGH YES they still kept the letters oh my god theyre probably gonna keep them when theyre married too ugH WHY DOES IT HURT SO BAD

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

oh my god if I were home alone I would be screaming x_x UGHHHHHHHHH THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE WE HAVE?? THIS????????? DID IT HAVE TO BE LUKA oh my god adrien why what did we do to deserve this torture x_x imagine plaggs frustration right now x_x and I realized a thing, nathalie looks like that bayonetta woman from video games

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

i am seething with pure rage

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

SAME IM SO MAD ffffffffffffffff what do you wanna bet thomas is laughing right now x_x oh my god adrien didnt you notice how she didnt give a s*** about luka the entire time SHE JUST KEPT LOOKING AT YOU?????????? and then she just left, does that say she HAS LUKA????????? NO SHE RAN TO YOU WHEN YOU LEFT god how blind is he x_x whyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! im gonna die help me

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

im seething oh my god IT WAS SO CLOSE SO CLOSE FFFFFFFFFF I was so sure it would either end with a ladynoir thing or an adrienette thing BUT NO fffffffffffffffffffffff im never rewatching it again

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

it huuuuuuuuurts so baaaaaad

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

it couldnt have ended well could it?????????? sdjglksdjg the slowburn is burning me like stormy weathers volcano x_x

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

IT WAS SO F********** CLOSE THAT ENDİNG MADE ME SO MAD NO ADRİEN NOT LUKA NO THERES ONLY YOU OH MY GOD NO kgslesdjglkdsjg Im gonna scream and cry about this for the next ten years

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

is ladybug starting to have feelings for chat oh my god

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

this cant just be flashbacks there must be something and Im worried x_X

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

just earlier I was thinking when is mayura gonna show up again AND WELL heres nathalie omfg and is she still sick from the miraculous? oh my god

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

WTF IS HAPPENING HERE WTF I didnt expect these flashbacks and feels wtf gabriel is losing it I swear

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

im so nervous o mg

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

half an hour!!!!

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

and yup the long comments are back :B

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

hellooooooo! one hour left \:D I'm pretty sure it was london yes, omg imagine him telling gabriel hes gonna go out to buy things for his friend, buy what?? uhh constipation capsules? \:D oh my god haha. idk about med names either, but maybe they have similar brands in england and france? maybe the pharmacist just saw the prescription and figured it out? or maybe he just kept looking around until he found the exact same brand oh my god hahahaha theyre basically married already \:wub\: ohh I had forgotten about the end of prime queen so I went and looked, she said "theyre not together.. at least not yet \:D" I can see alya just making a ladynoir fanclub and marinette being like why me haha. I'm pretty sure juleka mumbles in french too btw x_x what kind of idea is that though juleka lol, actually just 'kidnap' adrien as ladybug thatll do fine he wouldnt even mind lol just whisk him away and kiss :B ooh, the marianne stuff is interesting! I'm pretty sure shes his age too actually. oh my god the pun, I had noticed the noir thing but not marinoir omfg, are you sure it's non-intended? this is astruc we're talking about he couldve done it on purpose for all we know \:D omg about getting the names wrong, I cringe every time I see marionnette cause it's french for puppet x_x and yes I agree, they totally know the same things about fu and the miraculous by the way they talk about him and (!) they both knew about the peacock miraculous, and yeah adrien probably doesnt know where fu lives but well he goes to his house and like you said it's probably on purpose on fu's part to avoid the reveal (didnt he not even want to meet either of them first until tikki got sick?) oh and like that adrien doesnt have to deal with fu losing his keys or having toilet problems haha poor marinette omg I wonder if wayzz just keeps showing up like mari pls fu needs to go to the bathroom help omg I'm laughing so much at the idea \:D ugh yes it's my favorite too! it was so good! emotional rollercoaster but sooooooo good! and did you see marianne looking at them when chat kissed ladybugs hand? \:wub\: omg gabriel going to the bathroom was so funny, and then adrien doing the same thing was like the cherry on top lol. :b ohhhhh I understand what you mean by the concept stuff, about frozen I heard elsa was supposed to be a villain and that concept has intrigued me ever since even though the final thing is really really good! ugh speaking of frozen, for some reason the idea of marinette singing for the first time in forever makes me happy x_x I just remembered tikki was dancing next to the clara nightingale clip, I wonder if she listens to disney stuff and dances too? \:D ugh why are tikki and plagg so cute ;~; Im drifting again lol. the 2018 thing, wasnt family channel the main responsible one for the scheduling/canceling? I agree though once a week would have been better instead of heres one every two days x_x wonky schedule x_x omg yes I remember the bowing! ughhhhhh I just wanna see marinettes face the first time hes gonna kiss her hand I bet shes gonna combust \:D \:wub\: and omg fu being there for the marriage ;~; please let it happen omg ;~; he totally ships it already anyway \:wub\: omg wtf the fanfic you found x-X lately whenever I see the word salt in relation to this fandom I get a bit pissed tbh, I agree about lila though, I wanna punch her and shes awful and but like shes part of the story?? whats the point of them fighting if theres nobody to fight? actually I started removing lila in fic searches to avoid some of the salt but it still doesnt always work x_x ughh I swear with adrien and marinette it's always - they do something right theyre too perfect wtf is this or - they do something wrong and theyre the worst people ever x-x I want to punch these people so bad x_x honestly I dont think theyre the right audience for this show tbh, they should go watch something as negative as they are x_x

magicmorgieFeb 14, 2019

omg I went on ao3 for fluff and I ended up finding a saltfic about frozer, will they ever let it go omfg wtf is it with these people thinking they know better than the writers z_z ugh x_x ah well, less than 24h for stormy weather 2 \:o

S-ClubFeb 13, 2019

Thank you so much!\:\)

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