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magicmorgieFeb 13, 2019

Im kinda having post episode sadness, like that wasnt enough for me I mean I want to see every single interaction between marinette and adrien even them doing dumb crap or basically like those cute cat live feeds? but with those two cuddling each other x_x I might be losing it lol I just love them so muuuuuuuuuch ;~; \:wub\:

magicmorgieFeb 13, 2019

ugh I just had a scary thought, what if fu thinks hes dying is really foreshadowing for him actually dying x_x please no x_x they need him x_x wayzz needs him x_x

magicmorgieFeb 13, 2019

I swear this show is gonna kill us oh my god, and ughhhhh yes hes so kind I swear hes an angel (OKAY angel with a bad boy side still), like???????? she ran to him for 'constipation capsules' and there are loads of pharmacies in paris and he went and looked all weekend in a city hes probably not very familiar with for those???????? boyyyyyyyyy UGH wtf are these two gonna be like once they get together??? disgustingly adorable oh my god I cant wait Im gonna die I love them so much theyre so sweet and in lov e ugh sdkfgjsldkjg I need air. and yessss ikr the girls ship it so much, probably as much as us, I wonder if they ship ladynoir too? \:D alya probably does lol. and no I didnt understand what juleka said \:\( actually I barely understood her in s2 either, she talked a bit louder in s1 and now she just mumbles x-X I mean it's funny but I dont understand a word lol shame \:\( and yes Im so glad we've seen more of fu! even if half of it was him thinking he was dying cause he couldnt go to the toilet lol. god why lol. it does feel like wwii, I really hope they explain it, I think fu is 118? and yes youre right he does look older, ugh there are so many new questions about this, who is marianne (my bad I thought it was marie-anne) how did they meet? how did they fall in love? how does she know about the miraculous? was she a holder? what brought fu to france? wtf like we didnt have enough questions before oh my god help. and me tooooooo!! we totally predicted the guardian stuff \:D but really who else? nobody else but marianne marinette and adrien know who he is really, so it makes sense! \:D I really really wanna see post-reveal magic shenanigans with those two though \:D imagine how lovely it would be, trying to figure out magic stuff while tikki and plagg bicker in the background with cookies \:wub\: I love the song too ugh it's like so many feelings and kinda a ladrien feel to it too \:D ugh I love them *-* sorry I cant stop gushing Im like them about each other at this point lol :B and yup christmaster was a bit out of place but it was so lighthearted and fun Im glad they didnt get rid of it altogether \:D oh my god are we gonna start calling backwarder the toilet episode now? hahaha I think we should omfg. oh my god running after her, LADYBUG WAIT you forgot your constipation capsules \:DDDDD imagine alya or nadia seeing that oh my god marinette would d i e, theyd either think ladybug is crazy or adrien lost his sh** (the pun was calling ok). and no I didnt know about the mayura concept stuff, thanks for the info thats so interesting!! theyre probably gonna explain why it's broken later, I wonder how different it's gonna be from the concept? huh messing up the electricity could be what she did!! didnt the sky look reddish too though? I really have no idea. and I saw the episodes were postponed, honestly I thought it was too much all at once, there was no way it could have worked, but on the bright side at least we're not gonna run out too fast \:D OHH btw I just had a thought oh my god, again post-reveal but imagine we get a hand kiss like the one we got today with adrienette oh my godddddddddd skhdgjklsdgj ughhhhhhhhhhhhHH I wouldnt survive, and neither would marinette lets be real, ughh she already died at chat kissing her on the cheek in glaciator imagine it happening again while knowing it's adrien and that he really does love her help me gkjdhgldk

magicmorgieFeb 13, 2019

btw again thanks for the stormy weather 2 date, it's so soon oh my god my poor heart, far fetched theory from that sneak peak though what if they use fire powers??? ugh this show is so good we're never gonna survive

magicmorgieFeb 13, 2019

btw at first I thought marinette was gonna give adrien the letter as ladybug I was like oh my god but plagg would have laughed even more I think haha oh dear

magicmorgieFeb 13, 2019

oh my god I just saw your toilet tweet it's too real hahahaha

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

dont worry about the comments, and yup I saw thomas mentioning that, it does feel like a christmas special but zag was right about it not being christmas-y enough when you compare it to the actual christmas special (that boy I secretly love song gives me life) and yay for ignoring all the salt, it's much better that way!

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

do you think it was the war?? or maybe it was related to whatever happened with the guardians?? do you think she was a holder before too??? ugh I wanna know so much!! and we figured out the guardian thing right, makes me wonder whats gonna happen post-reveal since both ladynoir know about the box and stuff, is he gonna train them together?? please do oh my god. AND UGH SAME THAT KISS WAS AMAZİNG, it was so smooth of him wtf I wanna loop it and cry on it

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

yessssss ikr it was so good oh my god!! I wanna know more about fu and marie anne ughhhh. and about kagamis mother, probably? I wasnt too pleased about kagami showing up again for potential ship ruining (but that didnt happen so I'm relieved) so I didnt pay too much attention there but her mother does seem like an interesting character. ughhhhh adrienette wtf alya was right he spent the whole weekend with her on his mind TO LOOK FOR CONSTIPATION PILLS dear god marinette marry him already. ughh all the feelings omg and yes we know how that butterfly miraculous works yay but wtf the transforming in a public bathroom and attacking the train guy gabriel chill and sorry for the messy message Im dying still

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

and wtf was that lucky charm omfg tikki is a goddess

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

that hand kiss was beautiful

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

IM BARELY ALIVE oh my god and the ending is hilarious but im a mess MARİNETTE constipation capsules oh my god shes never gonna stop thinking about this I bet plagg is gonna laugh for the rest of eternity and hawkmoth has more info and fu and marie-anne im not alive im dead oh my goddddddddd help

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

oh my god now she saw the woman get akumatized and she wont confess to adrien anymore dear god w h y the slow burn is killing meeeeeee and if anything happens to fu im gonna freak out so bad

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

and dont worry about the replies just try to survive oh my god

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

WTF IS HAPPENING IM NOT HERE FOR THESE FEELS WTF oh my god she totally gave him the wrong letter dear god why

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

btw do you remember when stormy weather 2 airs? my memory is terrible =_=

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

the vk site seems to have complained about the animation for christmaster and now I'm mad at them lol x_x

magicmorgieFeb 12, 2019

oh my god here come the nerves again are you ready I know I'm not omg

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

it wasnt romantic but her gushing was still adorable \:D it was really fun, crazy but fun lol. oh yup better avoid tumblr nothing good ever comes out of there lol. no you didnt miss anything I dont think?? marinette was so sad about santa leaving too! I think they both probably really love christmas \:D huh gabriel birthday? I didnt catch that when was it?? and ok sleep well!! \:\)

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

ugh and chat and his always lovestruck look gahhhh he totally didnt believe the best behaved kid thing though lol

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