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magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

oh no that was too short ughhhhhhhhh BUT SERIOUSLY I SWEAR THESE TWO CAN READ EACH OTHERS MINDS IN BATTLE and sure she was joking around at the end but I'm positive she wants to go see the stars with adrien ughhhh help meeeeeeeeeee

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

chat is adorable nino is hilarious blesssssssssss

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

ugh I hate commercials

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

Im on twitch too!! omg the mess already AND ALL HER GİFTS FOR ADRİEN OH MY GOD but wtf ninos brother is almost worse than alyas twinsisters lol

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

omg now eeeeeeeeeeee

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

same omg wtf are we on whyyyyyyy!! I went and got tea and pocky sticks theres still a bit of time so I'll try to reply to the message now \:D I saw the wrong name lol idk how they managed to get it wrong but it makes a lot more sense like this, chris master makes no sense :B ugh why did the episodes have to come out on your exam month? D: hows your studying going generally though?? I hope it's over soon so you can go back to playing \:\( I dont know why they see it differently than movies though, maybe cause it doesnt show in theater? or maybe disney is more difficult about the things they do themselves directly? idk either way it sucks x_x I hope we get romance today too! I always want it, this ship is amazing I neeeeeeeeed everything of it omg. and yess same!! queen bee is so fun I love her \:D Im glad you understood weredad! did you see how he talked about ladybug ughhhhhhhh gahhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH and marinette was totally jealous of herself lol. :B the new sims items are really pretty yup \:D I updated it but I havent played either actually, my sims mood tends to come and go lol. aahhh yeah ikr the bloodbending is so creepy, I'm not a fan of those limbs either, I just wanted to show cause like wtf this was in a (technically) kids show x_x ok the blood bending in atla happened maybe twice in the entire show? (I dont know about the legend of korra) but still theres more and it's just like omg??? x_x ohh I understand your anime thing, Im not a big fan in general either, that no-logic thing is too real lol shame \:\( I only like like two or three shows maybe? huh is naruto violent? all I know about it is that it can get suggestive sometimes lol, shame they stopped you from watching it though x_x

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

ok thank you so much!! I'll reply to the bigger message after the episode \:D I'm gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

I found one on fb called mlfanstream lets hope for the best oh my god I'm so nervous why

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

btw do you have a livestream? I cant find one on vk this time \:\(

magicmorgieFeb 8, 2019

I have to comment on the comment under here, shirayuki-hime is such a cute show I found it a few weeks ago and watched it \:D it has adrienette vibes \:D ugh but I came to say it's tonight omg I'm gonna dieeeeeeee it's not even 4pm and I'm dying already help

inuyasha4life2Feb 7, 2019

Do you think you could make any custom content for any of the following? fairytail, shirayuki hime, sword art online, attack on titan, or doki doki literature club?

magicmorgieFeb 6, 2019

okay I looked for the avatar scene I wanted to show you btw, I couldnt find the bloodbending one on youtube for some reason but here the zuko and azula one is around the end of the series so pretty spoiler-y? idk if you wanna see that one \:o

magicmorgieFeb 6, 2019

ugh yeah the voice actors are awful about this, especially the spanish ones x_x I think it's maybe because it's a cartoon? people probably dont take it as seriously as liveaction series (god knows why x_x liveaction isnt really my thing in general anyway) and yup people just throw all their negativity on the internet \:\( ohhhhh yeah maybe she was akumatized after dark cupid there but didnt she jump in the way to save him anyway?? I dont remember much lol either x_x ok yes chameleon was like for 5mn but did you see how he looked at her?? ridiculous x_x JUST GET TOGETHER ugh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa okay lets not drift lol. yup marinette thinks it's just chat noir in weredad but I really doubt he would do that much for the rest of them? I mean he cares generally but that was basically his must protect marinette mode on lol like the jumping to protect her at that swarm of akuma while ignoring chloe and everybody else lol. just marinette always \:wub\: ahhhh sigh \:wub\: ohhh those ambrogisti theories are interesting \:o watching them fight post-reveal would be so amazing too! I didnt know about the world travel thing either \:o and the zag spoilers from last time you mean? I forgot half of them anyway lol and dont worry I dont usually talk about spoilers unless youre ok with it \:D yes I saw the angry stormy weather, she looks like shes gonna summon some meteor shower or something it's gonna be crazy O: I like her shes a strong akuma \:o ohhhh yeah of course theyre dead if we consider real life physics lol I just usually tend to consider it magic-ice or something thats why :B I mean it does come from magic akumas lol. omg lol Ive never seen futurama but that sounds awful and hilarious at the same time haha. the hm-power thing so far I figured it was willpower? but maybe it's both that and age? who knows, I'm curious too! as far as I can remember fu didnt tell them about their own powers besides the power ups right? so yup it was plagg and tikki, maybe thats their usual rule but it can be bypassed? I have no clue, maybe theres a trick? I think hm knew because he watched them fight though, he's had time to watch them with all the akumas hes been sending lol, unless nooroo told him about the 5mn rule thing at first?? ugh so many interesting details we dont know about, I cant wait to know too \:o and yes I think it's chris master, I dont even remember what it was from that list lol I hope it's gonna be fun!! will you watch the livestream as usual?? \:D and wooooooooo weredad \:D youre gonna die at the sweetness that comes from chat bless his heart \:D btw did you update your game yet??

magicmorgieFeb 5, 2019

ahh yeah I saw what happened with thomas ;_; it's sad, I feel bad for him but honestly we cant do anything about it, people will keep asking for spoilers and some people like to spoil so yeah \:\( still their behavior is unacceptable \:\( they all have this kind of stupid sense of entitlement and I really dont get it :/ I dont wanna sound like I'm 80 and shooing people off my yard but honestly kids these days x_x or probably not even kids x_x just a******** x_x dont worry about it though I understand you D: and yeah it is felix but ok I wont say anything about him at all, the spoiler basically mentions who he is so try to avoid it if you can x_x about chat shielding and the emotions, I got you, but like rena got akumatized because she was so worried about carapace right? so maybe the worry/fear for her could do it for chat noir? lb did go by emotions a few times but I think those were all adrien related (like against volpina for example) but yes she could take out her yoyo at anytime. and yeah idk if theyre close enough for him to do that yet but maybe theyll get closer over the season? I mean theyre slowly getting there just look at how he was with her in chameleon (I MEAN hes always been ridiculously nice and it's so not platonic and we've talked about this but like theyre still slowly getting closer) I would love to see something like that too! but I more or less agree about the probabilities, either that or 50/50 I think it depends on how the season goes and how close they get tbh. and yup I trust thomas too I'm just scared for my babies (as usual) and for my poor fragile heart x_x I dont get the agreste/bourgeois thing either, like on the surface they seem like old friends with that audrey/gabriel interaction but then he goes and akumatizes everybody x_x or maybe he just thinks theyre a good source of hatred so theyre an easy target x_x so far he hasnt stopped at anything and he seems quite desperate so who knows D: about the rena/carapace thing I agree, it makes sense that they didnt reveal each other up until now but I also think while cararouge are great ladynoir are probably stronger and I think they can overcome it but like you said they probably have to practice lol but still theyre the power couple of this show and I'm positive they can do it, omg imagine if theyre together and they know all the power of the miraculous and how to use them how strong will those two be together? aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I love theeeeeeeeeeeeem ;w; lol I figured you didnt see avatar, but do you know about those scenes?? if you dont mind seeing a clip from it you really should see the blood bending one it's creeeeeepyyyyyyy x_x oh yeah if we switch universes it definitely could be really creepy but the entire tone would have to change and the ladyblog would probably have to turn into j jonah jameson hahaha :B ok ok no that would be awful lol. ohhh okay! I usually think about it like dead if it's like using their life energy for stuff like gamer or timebreaker but like the frozen stuff just like temporary statue'd? either way it's creepy and it's happened so many times it's a wonder that city is working lol ..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then we have the mayor thinking about throwing the trash in space SIGH that made me laugh so much though haha. eeeeeeeeeeeeek chat blanc cataclysm is gonna be a terror omfg, actually even without akumatization or anything cataclysm is really scary, wth is it gonna be like when adrien and marinette learn to use their powers like hm does \:o dont worry about the brain babbling I understood most of it I think \:D I hope you sleep well this time! and we have a new episode this week right? I'm gonna die

magicmorgieFeb 4, 2019

I hope so too, thanks! \:wub\: and yup pretty much lol, there's nothing particularly bad about them, the titles seem pretty normal for the show, punny as usual lol, and honestly I think the spoilers we got last time with zag and the designs were worse, the synopsis this time werent like the chameleon one they were really short, like I said most of them were like who is akumatized. ugh Im really starting to think those people are just whining to be part of a group or something :/ I have faith in thomas too, he's done some nice work so far so why would that stop halfway? I'm pretty sure he's had like all of it planned from the start. what half spoiler did you see lol should I confirm it for you or not? probably not lol. ohh about marinette getting akumatized first I thought it would be because of the zombizou/chameleon/catalyst teases actually, not any other reason in particular, ahhhhhh ugh I havent thought of him snapping actually D: that would hurt super bad D: he kinda did snap in syren too now that I think about it :/ and no spoilers dont say anything about that so I'm as clueless as you are lol, but the things piling up on him makes sense :/ I thought of another thing today but again I have no idea, what if instead of snapping (which is possible) it's someone else that gets targeted (probably lb/mari lets be real) and he takes the hit instead? like mlle bustier did? with his record of taking hits for her I wouldnt be surprised if that happened x_x ugh either way I think this is gonna hurt x_x I'm scaaaaaaaaared x_x ugh mayura was painful, out of cararouge and chloe I think chloe hurt me most cause wtf that putting her entire family against her thing was so awful wtf it's almost like he has some personal vendetta against her wtf gabriel. ughhhhhhh oh my god dont remind me of cataclysmed chat omg no D: I had forgotten about it aaaaaaaaaaaa D: ok true youre right it can be pretty dark (again wtf gabriel) but I'm comparing this to avatar and it's softer than that, besides the color scheme there are a lot of jokes and hugs and friendship and a loooooooooot of romance \:D you should look at avatar blood bending and zuko and azula fighting to see what I mean if you want to, thats not to say astruc isnt capable of pulling something like that on us though x_x omg I think the dying thing was the worst in timebreaker though x_x but I didnt really consider style queen dying, it seemed more like temporary statue-d until they start fading and if they fade they would die, what do you think? I think I'm mostly dying over sandboy because of adrien actually lol I care so much aaaaaaaaaaa x_x and I worry about him x_x ooh okay, I didnt realize queen wasp was that similar, I hope they give him fangs too though! omg actually just give them to chat noir in general it would match him perfectly *-* and yes I know you mean canines like vampires otherwise it would be a bit odd on a human face lol. and thanks for trusting my judgement!! no problem I'm glad that helped \:wub\: does any of this message make sense it's 5am lol

magicmorgieFeb 3, 2019

but really I think you should stop reading what these people are saying if it makes you feel this bad \:\( your mental health is more important D: theres honestly no point and I'm positive theyre wrong \:\(

magicmorgieFeb 3, 2019

hello! thats ok dont worry!! I'm ehhh, could be better, my thyroid makes me kinda depressed and apparently it takes a while for the treatment to work x_x oh no D: sorry about your panic attacks are you feeling better now? D: okay let me tell you and try to explain as vaguely as possible without spoiling, I think theyre wrong, it's the same people that keep complaining about what we've already seen and liked/loved, some people I think were shocked because of the mass of information that happened at once and being spoiled for it not the content itself, honestly the titles/mini synopsis were pretty vague and most of them were basically only about who was akumatized. they sound pretty interesting actually! the only thing I rolled my eyes over was luka and kagami showing up again in some episodes but you already know me about that lol. but basically what I got is they sound fun and we might actually get more lore. and new people but I dont know if theyre one-time characters or not so we'll see. also astruc being a troll lol. the people who are complaining might be the same people who are complaining about stormy weather 2 being a thing tbh, and it's probably some sort of trend thing happening in the fandom because it's the new cool thing to pretend you know better than the author who knows x_x millions of people watch the show and enjoy it I dont think these 10-20 people should be listened to. if anything it's the end of the fandom not the show, you already know how irrational they can be x_x maybe the people our age who watch the show just arent on social media? I mean I basically only check your twitter+miraculousintl for news and reply to you here but I dont even have facebook or anything, so there probably are some others who just look without saying a thing :x oh yeah about chat blanc there honestly isnt any info about it besides it happening, the synopsis was basically like 'the last person ladybug thought would get akumatized - chat noir' so really we dont have anything to go by. I get you not wanting to theorize, I dont either for most of it, I havent been thinking about most of the spoilers I'm just worried for adrien about this one ;~; it was bound to happen though they cant keep themselves from getting akumatized the entire show ;_;, although from the teases we already got I really thought it would happen to marinette first :x it's kinda funny how when most of them get akumatized I'm like well ok (even though I love chloe nino and alya) but when it happens to those babies I'm like OH MY GOD NO x_X I just worry so much:/ but then again it is at the core a childrens (ugh family) show so maybe it wont hurt that much? they dont want to give nightmares to kids do they?? I meant it cant be worse than sandboy can it x_x that one hurt but it was super good x_x ohh about your set, I wonder if the canon one is gonna be the exact same just reversed like miss fortune or if theyre gonna change it more \:o

magicmorgieFeb 2, 2019

ughhhhhhhhhh new spoilers x_x I hate how theyre always getting new stuff out x_x and I hate how I cant not see because otherwise I worry even more D: I saw your twitter though so I wont mention anything you dont know about, I'm just really worried about the chat blanc thing?? there was no info on it besides the title and the mini synopsis (like all of those were super small anyway they mostly just say who is akumatized) so these are just my thoughts as usual but like x_x adrien nooooooooooo ;_; I'm so worried I dont want him to hurt oh my god x_x I think I generally worry about him more than I do about marinette?? somehow?? (probably cause she kinda has less problems??) but like omg x_x I went to complain to mom and she said it's gonna be fine ladybug will do everything to save him but like!!!!!!!!! x_x what if it's because of her? that would hurt so much but Im just really really worried it's gonna be related to gabriel being hawkmoth (ffffffffff n o o oooo oh my god) or emilie's state because thats possible and I just D: aaaaaaaaaaaa help ;_; every single reason would hurt like crazy actually x_x why am I so emotionally invested D:

PeggyJJan 22, 2019

thank you so much and btw im actually 11 I love sims. and cc mods and more and im going to look more into what you create because I love it.and yes of course I download it.

magicmorgieJan 17, 2019

thanks, I hope so too! \:wub\: \:wub\: turns out I spend most of my time tired and in bed not cause I'm running away from the cold but because of that lol. omg I just saw your post and it does sound sarcastic, or well it does to me since I talk to you a bunch, wtf is their problem x_X do they even realize that theyre a minority in the fandom? I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who watch this show are the ones who see it on tv when it finally airs and most are probably kids too. so how can they think their opinions are that important? do they really think the authors are just sitting around waiting on their asses for ideas from tumblr out of all places when the actual fanbase is giant?? like you said we dont know how long ago they came up with this, they could have come up with the kwami swap design and names while working on the first season for all we know x_x or even before that x-x how are they ruining the ship oh my god ladynoir still can be used as a name and besides what does the name have to do with their relationship?? wheres the ruining???? and about the authors lacking creativity lol yeah sure who created this entire universe and our sunshine babies?? it's the authors not you and besides if youre so creative then why are all marichat fics basically the same (ok I love them and the usual marichat trope but come on) x_x they need to stop sigh x-x and yeah about posting you should be careful because it seems every post ends up in salt one way or another D: and sims omg wtf death threats?? over this?? wtf?? if youre not satisfied go play sims 3 or just quit, or at least if youre gonna ask for a feature ask politely? wtf is going on in these peoples heads x_x the trollhunters thing sounds completely absurd wtf!! reanimating the entire thing is the complete opposite of lazy wtf D: is this tumblr again x_x I wouldnt be surprised x_x but well I suppose sitting on a computer and yelling is easier than actually producing stuff huh ~_~ I dont have a problem with any of the canon names either! I think theyre pretty good, can be simple but otherwise they fit nicely, why are they even guessing?! pre-anansi I just used to think of carapace as turtlenino like I did with catmari and bugadrien x-x the authors can never do right in these peoples eyes it seems x_x it's just like you said, fits the fandom - theft/ doesnt - we dont like it and its not creative x_x siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh x_x on the language names though I go by the same as yours most of the time, cat < chat and hawkmoth sounds somewhat more villan-y lol, I still like all of them though, and huh I didnt know rena was different in italian \:o volpe rossa sounds fun \:D ah sigh I hope these people stop though x_x I dont believe they will but Im still hoping x_x

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