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magicmorgieJan 17, 2019

oh another bad name for kwamiswap mari, catlady c_c crazy cat lady x_x well I mean she does have cat plushies everywhere and her (soon) boyfriend walks around in a cat suit but come on c_c

magicmorgieJan 17, 2019

and lol carapace is complicated but shell works? carapace is just french for shell x_x besides cararouge is a cute ship name, what would you get with shell? red shell x_x sighs x_x

magicmorgieJan 17, 2019

ohh dont worry about the disappearing, I know you have exams, I hope theyre going well!! and dont worry about the bad mood either I'm moody lately too and it turns out I have a thyroid problem x_x ah well x_x most of jeremy's answers were things we already knew, there was one pretty big one though but since you didnt read I wont mention anything shhh. Ive always called the ship ladynoir glued together too, and like I said it's the best match for her too, just feels a bit weird x-x oooh the paris knowing about the swap makes sense though, and it's probably gonna be the case if they fight any akuma, girl with black hair and cat miraculous and blonde guy with bug miraculous fighting instead of lb/cn just says oh hey we've swapped and you already know us~ but omg no please dont name him chatbug hahaha that sounds like the catbug thing :B but wait wait people are complaining already? omg wtf. it's the name that makes most sense, what else would you call her? marichat? female version of cat in french that sounds explicit? ..catbug? the closest thing would probably be lady chat but well lady noir sounds better c-c well even if shes called that it doesnt mean we have to stop using it as a shipname anyway? and Ive never heard any shipnames in the french dub either so it's not just the italian dub. for sims do you mean the alexa thing? Ive seen people complain about it so much it's insane D: my only gripe with it is that theres no siri or bixby version so I cant have it lol \:\( I agree about people yelling everywhere though it's disheartening and the best way to go about it is just to avoid it all together or they just ruin your mood for nothing D: never read simsvip comments x_x I hope your mood gets better too!! and I hope your exams are going well \:wub\:

magicmorgieJan 17, 2019

did you see the catmari name?? I'm so torn about it lol like it's probably the best match and best name but like it's our ship name too D: buuut maybe it's so chat (well bugadrien) can still call her his lady \:D \:wub\: oh I just remembered I came across some chocolates called ladynoir lol

magicmorgieJan 15, 2019

omg zag is at it again D: this stresses me out sooooooo bad x_x

Munchkin12221Jan 13, 2019

Also don't worry about replying via guestbook for now as I think its going to take a long time to read all the messages between Magic and I. Most of them are either Sims 4 stuff and Miraculous (as you would probably expect). Also, just a quick catch up my first CC has been approved at last!\:D I hope all is well at your end!\:\)

Munchkin12221Dec 31, 2018

Thanks for the advice! Happy New Year!\:\)

magicmorgieDec 31, 2018

oh my god I'm rewatching scenes and those two are already so adorably awkward but tom made it so much worse hahaha poor sabine was trying to fix things the entire time lol

magicmorgieDec 31, 2018

I remembered wrong he didnt say roses are her favorite he said she loved them, ah close enough x_x

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

btw I have to say I'm living for la bise lol I usually just do the airkiss thing when I have to do it but they actually kissed each others cheeks and it's so awkward and adorable and she thought he was gonna actually kiss her I love them so much ahahahakjgdsh help me

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

I saw someone reply to thomas about this episode that mari should end up with luka because adrien friendzoned her and ?? what?? seriously stop they both keep friendzoning each other?? it's a slowburn for a reason??? gah I cant tell if I'm annoyed or if I just think this is ridiculous lol

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

There are a lot of variations of the pink rose. Over all, pink roses are used to convey gentle emotions such as admiration, joy and gratitude. Light pink rose blooms are indicative of sweetness and innocence. Deep pink rose blooms convey deep gratitude and appreciation. Pink roses also connote elegance and grace. -- btw I found this

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

ohh and if you wanna watch it on the official website (the quality is good and it doesnt lag) try with windscribe they have a swiss server and theres like 10 gb of data

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

oh and no I didnt see them blush in the episode at all unfortunately.. next time lol. oh and she said just cause theres love in the way doesnt mean they cant be friends (at the end)

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

and yes the prince/princess thing is back it seems!! perfect cause I love it so much, marinette calling adrien her prince charming and chat being her knight and her the princess and lady aaaaaaaaaa \:D so romantic help me. OH I THINK TOM SAID ROSES ARE MARINETTES FAVORITE ACTUALLY BTWWWWWW'!! I'm looking for the meaning of pink roses now

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

okay tell me again when you find subs!! youre gonna die, my heart hurt so much for adrien in this actually gahhhhhhh it's not just him being in physical pain :/ actually it might be worse emotionally D: I think plagg thinks the lovesquare is hilarious lol, idk what the kwamis think otherwise? maybe tikki would be ok with the reveal if she were really tired of it idk? I would love to see tikki and plagg talk about this and yes the animation was reaaally good I really didnt expect the magical bean/beauty and the beast thing either, the rose cage is mentioned actually, but I'm not sure what the rest mean though? tell me if you have any idea I'm still too much of a mess to think gksldjggdfkj. the look tikki gave her before he came was cause marinette was like oh no hes not coming see?? and tikki was like girl you dont know yet, and marinette was like is he that much of a macaron fiend?? haha I swear she was so mad at the idea of him falling in love with 'another girl' so quickly and tikki was like youre the same girl and in the end chat was just like I love ladybug of course ugh this message is so jumbled I'm sorry I'm shaky gskdjglskf and true fu still has wayzz, I really hope they get to stay together forever and the youre my best ladybug/chat noir coming from tikki and plagg makes me think that will be the case, I would die at marinette and adrien being guardians and why wouldnt they be since fu is the last one anyway? the episode does feel a bit bittersweet at the end, maybe it's the cloudy paris weather since usually it's so sunny or maybe cause he thinks shes in love with chat but he cant love her back? I dont know?

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018


magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

okay wait I think the exact thing chat said was 'I may not be her prince but I'm charming enough to save her' and 'I'll always come back to save marinette' ffffffffffff and at the end when he hugged her he said 'you really seem like an amazing girl' gahhhhhhhhhhhhh

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

so many adrien feels though D: D: D: it hurts ;-; and tom said it's not like hes gonna be chat noir his entire life and that makes me so sad because no please keep them your entire lives and stay with your kwamis forever please thank you he also kept saying chat should work in a bakery and called it 'dupain chat noir' though so idk if I should listen to him l ol

magicmorgieDec 30, 2018

and marinette was so angry at the idea that chat would stop having feelings for ladybug HAHA giiiiiiiiiiirl

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