My very first entry
The very first it is... My girlfriend suddenly inspired me to start writing, I don't know how and I don't know why, but I just felt like it. I've always been moderately good at writing, but never did anything with it, apart from getting good grades in school for the writing assignments.
I've been here for well over three years now, recently started becoming more active, got myself a 12 month subscription, ordered a copy of the Simspiration magazine, got some work done on my minisite, making it look like a brickwork pattern and even started a monthly building contest for The Sims 3, that lead to more then I ever hoped for.
Life is going great and at happy moments like this, I get the urge to write about it... Probably some psychological thing that makes you want to brag about feeling good or something, but either way, I'm happy and when I'm happy I get talkative. Can't help it.. :P
The home I live in now, is the one I've lived in for 12 years now and in those 12 years, I've seen a lot of things being build around my house. One thing that has always caught my attention is this street right across a small harbor, which runs parallel to my street. The street is called 'Karperkuilkade' and the water adjecent to it is called 'Karperkuil'. 'Kade' means quay, so that explains something. Those houses always inspired me and I very recently started a project of making those homes in The Sims 3. The houses are really do-able and the shapes and colors are pretty nice. I've even been into one of those houses, so I know a rough layout, which is nothing like the layout I used to make it in game. I also started a thread about this in the TS3 Showroom forums, here at TSR Forums, called 'The "Amanda" Townhomes'.
Another project I'm doing with YrS92, is this huge mansion we call "The Pink Aurora Mansion", which is roughly based on an actual building called "Hakasalmen huvila" in Helsinki, Finland.
My job is to do the exterior and at this point, my partner-in-crime is working her magic on the interior of this massive mansion. I'm sure she will do a great job, if she can handle doing all of this as she works her way through mountains of schoolwork, but I know she will finish this when she has the time.
There are a lot of more new projects to come, but as usual, school goes first... There will be more, though, I can tell you that, because my building addiction has just started coming off the ground, I just started.
Thanks everyone for reading! Feel free to comment or leave feedback.. This turned out longer than I thought, but it gave me a good opportunity to test out TSR's blogging features. :D
Oh, something I totally forgot about... I will definitely post another blog entry when my "Sandringham Mansion" hits 2000 downloads! :P