Anakin Stupaine

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September already

I can't believe how fast the time sometimes seems to go... I sometimes have the idea I skip entire days, but then afterwards I think back and come to the conclusion that I really haven't.

Last time, I said I would normally write when I'm happy, but this time that's a bit different.

My dream to become a high school math teacher has been made impossible... Last Tuesday I got the news - on the birthday of one of my family members of all days - that I failed two tests, of which I had to pass at least one. My life was suddenly upside down. Sure I had thought of the scenario, but I forced it out of my way, simply because I didn't want it to go that way. I studied hard and did my best, but it wasn't enough. Of the 40 required points to go through to the second year, I got 39. No mercy, nothing.

That same Tuesday, I went to the building across the street, where they teach 'Informatica', which is more commonly known as ICT in general and it's not too surprising I went there, since half my family is in the IT business (perhaps it had always been supposed to be that way?)... But anyways, I went there and subscribing was no problem, I was sent upstairs to a nice lady who wrote down my name, printed a schedule and told me which class she assigned me to. Simple as that. People there are nice, but it's definitely geek squared in the hallways and downstairs sitting area. (no offense, seriously) Every other person has a laptop in front and 95% is male. The sound you hear most is ticking of keyboards, because the avid gamers in the room, with ASUS laptops with 17 inch screens have headphones on anyways, so you can't hear them play Call of Duty, or whatever they play these days.

I'll just keep it to simming and I'm glad my MacBook Pro runs the game smoothly... Sure the graphics chip heats up quickly, making the Mac sound like it's taking off, but the components don't quite overheat and with the battery it has, I can sim for an hour on a full charge. Pas mal, eh, for a laptop? I was surprised... Not that I need to run it on the battery though, there's a wall plug for power every 3 inch anyways... (the slight over-exaggeration aside)

I'm slowly getting used to not being able to become a math teacher, but it still nags at me... The friends I had there were much more social than the ICT people that I share a classroom with now... Most are 20ish and single and I understand why... Again, no offense, lads. Good thing the building is across the street from my teacher training education from last year... I can run across the street and have fun with my friends, instead of looking at people playing games furiously...

Lemme put an end to this blabbing, It's 11.28PM and I guess you could say my eyes lack the ability to remain open, even though I'm torturing myself to stay awake... I'm babysitting my baby brother, who's almost 5, so I gotta stay awake a bit longer.

Thanks for reading and feel free to comment... I always comment back in your guestbook.


Daniel (Anakin Stupaine) [don't ask why I used that as a username, I have no idea...]

YrS92 ∙ Sep 5, 2010

I'm sure you'll do just fine in IT(even though your new school friends do sound quite geekish:P), you're so good with computers\:\) (en je weet dat ik hoe dan ook van je zal blijven houden:wub\:\) Hugs, Senja

sleepless ∙ Sep 5, 2010

Parempaa onnea uudelle uralle...ja pidempiä yöunia \;\). Onneksi sait heti uuden mahdollisuuden \:D

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