![Sims 3 — Tanathos Death by AnnieBoo — The other version of the Grimmy. This one lives in the Addams family hood. Please](/scaled/1271/w-317h-450-1271752.jpg)
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Created for: The Sims 3
The other version of the Grimmy. This one lives in the Addams family hood. Please do not re-upload and don't claim him yours. Hair by Rose
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/906291
ItemID: 906291
Filesize: 729 KB
Please do not re-upload and don't claim him yours
Credits: EA
- Favorite Music: 4
- Favorite Food: 10
- Favorite Color: 0xff0ee6de
- Traits : b82d0015b92944c0, b82d0015b92944a0, b82d0015b92943e0, b82d0015b9294290, b82d0015b9294360
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