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AshleyBlack's Guestbook

Alan-isFeb 8, 2011

Hi Ildi! thank you so much for you wonderfull comment on my house "Serenity", I'm glad you like the garden!, take care. Hugs Alan.  

TaroianFeb 8, 2011

Good evening Imoger, how was your day? I am so sorry to show you how your house looked like in my game before change. I know it's hurt to show to true most of the time. but now all weird looking out of place items have been replaced so it's like a collebration of you mostly and me partly for that house. \:\) It's sad The Sims 3 game won't save the pattern if the pattern is on item our games don't have installed... but the way I look at it - it means so much more when we put time to alter bits of any creator's house with our styles too. I really enjoy doing that :-) yes it would be great if you can upload those patterns as it's fun to see different patterns as well but not a must need *smile*. I can't wait to see how your Tiki household in my game. :-) not trying to be pushy but may I know if you have any thinking of your simselves yet? if not it's okay I can still wait \:\)

katalinaFeb 6, 2011

Hiya Ildi\:D  Thank you so much for leaving me the wonderful comment on Beauvior lot, it means so much to me. I wish you a fabulous week ahead!\:wub\:

marcorseFeb 6, 2011

Thank you, dear Ildi for your sweet comments on Cinnamon Grove. \:wub\:  Modern building usually  comes hard for me - probably because I don't 'think' modern.     I'm glad you like it - and it's growing on me too! \:D   Hope your week is a special one. Hugs, Marg

Demented DesignsFeb 5, 2011

Thank you for the comment on my Asian lot!  Have a great weekend!  \:wub\:

DO5NBRFeb 5, 2011

Hi Ildi, thank you so much for your lovely comments on my lots \:wub\: I'm so happy that you like them and hope your sims will do too \:P Have a nice weekend!

FlovvFeb 5, 2011

Köszönöm szépen! \:\)\:wub\:

TanyellaFeb 4, 2011

hey, I'm just getting back to you on your comment in my guestbook, and no need to say thanks i mean you deserve what i said your sim was gorgeous. Have a good weekend too       Tanyella\:D

FlovvFeb 4, 2011

Szia! \:\) Igen, köszönöm, véégre sikerült megcsinálni. \:\) Dot helped me a lot! Ez már a harmadik majdnem teljesen elkészült verzió volt, de remélem megérte. \:\) A visszajelzések alapján elég sokan örültek neki, úgyhogy azt hiszem igen, sikerült egy olyasmi LunaP, amilyet akartam. \:\) Látom felkerültek a telkeid, nekem a zöld "verzió" tetszik legjobban, nagyon klasszul áll neki! \:\) Ne haragudj, kicsit szétszórt vagyok. \:\) Remélem kellemesen telik majd a hétvégéd, vagy legalábbis kellemesebben, mint az elmúlt napok! Kitartást! \:wub\:

Pink<3 PrincessFeb 3, 2011

Hello, just writting to say thankyou for the very nice comment you made about my CoCo Villa. I hope you enjoy it.\:wub\:  

TaroianFeb 2, 2011

Hello Imoger, I hope this blog entry answered your question asking how your house look like in my game. I gave it a make over :-) I can't wait to see your Tiki-set house in my game and do a make over for it. I love your photos on your blog, they are insightful and needless to say your houses' decorating are prefect \:\)    

IllianaFeb 2, 2011

Hello Ildi! Thank you for your kind words on the Bella Noche lot! \:wub\: It always seems to mean a little more when you get the thumbs up from a fellow builder. \:D You make gorgeous lots yourself, and after reading your information it seems like you and I like to build in the same way. LOL! I'm always picky, and it sounds like you are too, so thank you for the comment...because knowing your designer's critical eye saw the lot and liked it enough to comment means a great deal to me! (((Hugs!))) Love and hugs - Illiana

ziggy28Feb 1, 2011

\:D Hiya Ildi !!! Thank you for commenting on my Blossom Time paintings\:wub\: Im pleased you liked them\:D TC (((((((hugs)))))))Lorraine\:wub\:

simmothyFeb 1, 2011

Hi Ildi! Thank you for the comment on Desire. I greatly appreciate it\:\)

Alan-isJan 31, 2011

Hi Ildi! just wanted to say thank you for your great comment on my last house! I hope you enjoy of it! bye

PralinesimsJan 31, 2011

\:D Thank you very much for the wonderful comments!! We are so happy\:rah\:\:D\:wub\: We wish you a beautiful monday and a awesome and fun week!\:rah\: \:rah\: Happy simming!! *Kisses*\:rah\:\:wub\:

ung999Jan 31, 2011

Hello Ildi, just wanted to say thank you for your comment on 'Ocean Dream'. Have a wonderful week! Hugs..\:wub\:\:wub\: ~Ung

DO5NBRJan 31, 2011

Hi Ildi, thanks a lot for your nice comment on my lot \:wub\: I'm so happy that you like it \:P Have a nice day!

Lie76Jan 30, 2011

Hi Ashley\:wub\:Thank you so much for your nice comment on Emmie-Lee\:\)Take care.Hugs lie

katalinaJan 29, 2011

Hiya Ashley, I am late as usual lol but want to thank you for leaving  a sweet comment on my Sea Captains home. Hope you have a fun filled week\:D

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