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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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Savannah is an artist lady who loves painting, sculpting and fashion design. She also loves travelling to different places to explore new cultures. She is very independent and hopes to become a famous artist in her own right.
You need to download the CC also as well as the sim to get the sim to look like the pictures. I cannot stress enough on how important that is , otherwise you will get a plain EA looking sim. (please see Creator Notes for CC download links)
-Please see the creators notes tab for CC clothes link and instructions on how to install the clothes and the sim before asking any questions
*If you do not download the CC the sim will look a plain EA base sim-see No CC picture I included so you can identify which sim it is in CAS. *
1.When you download this sim the files need to be extracted and placed in the Sims 4 Tray folder. The location of that folder is:
Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray
2.You must unzip the file and place only the items in your tray folder, not the zip file itself.
3.Once you have placed them there, you should be able to find the Sims or Lots in your personal Gallery in the game.
My Policy:
This sim is for GamePlay ONLY. Please enjoy my sim in your game but do not modify, change her, or reupload her back onto the exchange or other sites claiming to be your work. Thank you.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1303223
ItemID: 1303223
Filesize: 96 KB
You need to download the following CC to have the sim look like the pictures. If you do not, she will look like the last picture. All CC goes into your Sims4/Mods folder
For the Sim to show up in Game:
In your sims library you must go to advanced settings and tick the following boxes:
Include Unknown Content
Include Custom Content
Skin: Ms Blue
Eyes: Sims4Models (choose 8th swatch)
Lipstick: Sclub
Eyeshadow: ScreamingMustard
Eyeliner: Sclub
Blusher: Seger Sims
Everyday- Stealthic
Formal- Stealthic
Athletic- Stealthic
Swim- Stealthic
Sleep- Stealthic
Party- Stealthic
All clothes in the pictures by me
For the clothing to show up in any/all categories, simply remove the category tag in the clothing library by clicking the x
Swimwear (not pictured)
Nails by Natalis
Gloves by Ms Blue
Credits: All the CC creators and Pose Creators that made this sim possible. I thank you all so much.
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.