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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a Set with 16 Creations - Click here to show all
Inspired by the Potterybarn Printer Furniture comes here the matching Furniture for your Homeoffice. The wood has 3 Color options (darkwood, lightwood and white)
- Desk
- Deskchair (Wicker in 3 Colors, Polstery 4 Colors)
- Daybed (Polstery 3 Colors)
- Pillowset for Daybed (3 Variations)
- Hutch for Desk (shiftable)
- Shelf with 3 Drawers
- Memoryboard (3 Colors)
- several Parts for Deskset
- Wall Lamps Left and Right (3Colors)
- Endtable
- Apple inspired PC
I allow recolors only if you upload them to TSR
The Game Inventory is working now - thanks for fixing EA
Wallamps was updated on March 17.03.2015 (Lighting fixed)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1279084
ItemID: 1279084
Revision: 7 (updated Apr 9, 2021)
you are allowed to recolor my objects when you upload them to TSR.
Blue Wall: http://cc4sims.tumblr.com/page/6
Credits: Jom Sims, BuffSumm, Numbers Woman, Pilar, Flovv, Severinka for Deko
- Recoloring Allowed: No

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