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Bby-L's Guestbook

tisasijayaDec 29, 2012

Thank you lizz.. Pas ak ganti browser udah bagus.. Yeii \:rah\: oh ya, ak tunggu chapter 10 nya lhoooo \:wub\:\:wub\:

DOTDec 29, 2012

.•*¨`*•.☆ Happy Holidays ☆.•*¨`*•.

tisasijayaDec 29, 2012

geulizz.... apa kabar? mau tanya nih aku kan mau submit cerita, tp kok katanya 500 server error? \:\( makasih lizz, maaf ngerepotin...

SimsinAddictDec 27, 2012

Hi Geulizz~! I really likes the Chapter 9...I can't wait on chapter 10. by the way I like your stories~! \:D

^Cupcake^Dec 13, 2012

hehe They would look so cute together! \:\) Your story is amazing! \:D

tisasijayaDec 13, 2012

oke sip sip sip...... thank you so much lizz... psti ku backup supaya ttp amann \:\)\:wub\:\:wub\:

tisasijayaDec 12, 2012

Yaaaah.. \:\( keburu di apus lizz.. Hiks hiks hiks gmn nih? Huu huu huu kalo buka profilnya geulizz di guestbooknya cm punyaku yg paling byk hehhee jd malu jg \:o\:D

tisasijayaDec 12, 2012

Iya udah coba.. Gabisa \:\( mkanya ini ak harus hapus smua cc yg ada trus nginstall ulang smuanya dr awal.. Kayanya the last song gabakal bs diterusin deh :'( hiks hiks mkanya nnt ak mau mnt maaf ama readers terus janji, stelah masalahnya udah fixed, baru ak bkin crita baru.. \:\( dkung aku yah lizz.. Thank you \:wub\: ak terus baca dan kagum ga brenti sm km \:rah\:

tisasijayaDec 11, 2012

Iya nih skin tonenya ilang semua.. Yg EA asli ama yg cc jg ilang.. Di sbelah slidernya kan ada papan untuk milih dasar warna.. Waktu di klik isinya ga ada \:\( hiks hiks hiks mkanya stress bgt nih.. Btw THANK YOU bgt buat geulizz udah helping bgt + mau repot".. Maaf yah lizz \:wub\:\:wub\:

tisasijayaDec 11, 2012

Yei yei yei thanks geulizz \:D helping bgt!! Perfect solutions. \:D oh ya ada masalah lg nih, wkt ak make testingcheatsenabled true, kan bs milih edit sims in CAS, nah pas ngedit, skinku ga muncul, slidernya aja yg bs \:\(.. & gabisa dirubah" lg umurnya.. Kan punyaku YA, mau kasih ke teen gabisa.. Pdhl biasa bisa.. \:D thanks a lot lho lizz.. \:wub\:\:wub\:

tisasijayaDec 10, 2012

Geulizz.. Akhir" ini kenapa yah ts3 ku sering mati ditengah jalan. Pkoknya sering mati terus tulisan sims3 has stop working.. \:\( kenapa yah? Malah kadang" aku belum save, jd kalo udah jauh mesti ulang lagi \:\( km pernah ngga kaya gitu? \:\( help me yah lizz hiks hiks hiks \:D

tisasijayaDec 8, 2012

Hehehe makasih geulizz.. Ini masih dalam pmbuatan hehehe \:D

J'aime MaeDec 7, 2012

Thank you! I'll release it this weekend. Cant wait for your The Engagement too :"))

tisasijayaDec 6, 2012

Sama temen lis.. Murah lagi terus dia cepet dpt update sims 3 terbaru \:D Iya iya udah lis udah bisa thank you bgt yaah \:wub\: pasti ak submit as soon as possible \:D

tisasijayaDec 6, 2012

Iyaaa \:D ak udah pesen aja hehehe.. Nnt mau bkin story pk season ahh pasti bagus \:D. Oh ya lis, kan ak mau submit part 2 tp kok gamau yah? Pas picture ke 31 mau tambah pic ke 32 tulisannya itutuh yg error 40 berapaaa gitu. Yg too large itu.. Gmn nih? Udah lama bgt gitu mlulu.. \:\( Thanks geulizz \:wub\:

tisasijayaDec 1, 2012

belum punyaa... \:\( download dimana yg free? \:D pengennnnnnnnnn \:wub\:\:wub\:

tisasijayaNov 27, 2012

my guru is the best daaahhh \:wub\:\:wub\:

sweetwilightNov 26, 2012

Sure I will! Thank you so much for your support! Loving your new story btw\:\)

sweetwilightNov 26, 2012

Hope you're doing well too! \:\) Actually I'm posting the last chapter \:\(

cloudless-skyNov 24, 2012

Hi geulizz! Thank you for commenting on my side story Tipped Over: Skylark's Story! If you want to know what happens to Sky, then please read Tipped Over! It isn't completed since I have been on hiatus, but I will be updating soon. Thank you once again for your comment and reading! Hope you have a great week! \:\)

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