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Created for: The Sims 2
This is the hair that was made to match the Betty Yeti costume and face paint (bigger image may be viewed by searching for the costume). Even though the costume and face paint were only made for girls, this works for all ages. I wanted to make it only for girls. I wanted it to be semi-permanent. But it wouldn't let me. Bodyshop is mean. It makes me cry.
For those of you who are blissfully ignorant of, or are not paying attention to, the goings on in the world of Vacation Island, Betty Yeti is an extremely freaky sasquatch (big foot) that wonders around the snowy portions of the Island doing somesort of happy dance and other scary things. She totally creeps me out. Seriously. Imagine what Betty Yeti would look like in real life, with all those pointy teeth. She'd be like 'It' with fur. Doing a happy dance. **Shudder**
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/76672
ItemID: 76672
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