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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Based on the bestselling novel written by New Orleans native Anne
Rice, the story is told through an interview with one of the vampires
in modern time. Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, Louisiana served as
the main plantation house as Louis' Estate in the movie "Interview
with the Vampire" in 1994, starring Brad Pitt as a vampire Louis, Tom
Cruise as a vampire Lestat and Antonio Banderas as a vampire Armand.
This is my version of Louis' Estate. The Louis' Estate has 5 bedrooms,
4 bathrooms, a cellar, two beautiful gardens located on both sides of
the house.
I highly recomended an amazing characters made by BAkalia, Brad Pitt
as a vampire Louis, Tom Cruise as a vampire Lestat and Antonio
Banderas as a vampire Armand, who maintain the entire beautiful
atmosphere of this property. These amazing characters will be added in
the Recommended tab.
CC's needed for this house. Please read in the Required Tab.
I used 64/64 lot size.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1547890
ItemID: 1547890
Filesize: 306 KB
Make sure your game is fully updated.
I have installed packs:
Expansion Pack
Get To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Eco Lifestyle
Discover University
Snowy Escape
Game Pack
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine Out
Jungle Adventure
Stuff Pack
Luxury Party
Perfect Patio
Cool Kitchen
Romantic Garden
Kids Room
Vintage Glamour
Tiny Living
Holiday Celebration Stuff
Grim's Ghoulish Guitar
Cheats I've used:
To install this house into your game:
- download the house
- unzip files
- copy house files and paste them loosely ( without subfolders ) into
your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
- all CC - objects from Reuired Tab go to the Mods folder.
CC's needed for this house - Please read in the Required Tab.
Credits: All TSR Artists!
- Value: 464488
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 5
- Bathrooms: 4
- Stories: 3
- Lot Size: Other
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Halloween dining - Chandelier
- Avignon dining
- [Agata diningroom] - dining table short
- [Agata diningroom] - poster
- Japanese ofuro
- [Palermo bedroom] - painting
- 'Tea in the garden' set
- Vintage set
- Antique set
- Elegant ceiling decor
- Moroccan bedroom
- [Palermo dining] - flower stand
- [HarryPotter] - Weasley floor clock
- Autumn Dining - Chair - Networksims
- Medieval Bakery Tub with Water
- Victorian Vampire Framed Wall Photos
- Brillante Panel Doors
- netsims legacy - artwork
- Salvaged Console set
- Castle Painting
- Heirloom Oriental Rugs (Runner)(Part 2)
- Sweet Toddler End Table
- Vampire Series Part 1-REQUIRES VAMPIRES
- Bismuth Rug
- Asian Metal Lamp Set
- Mirage Single Door
- Whitby Dining Mirror
- Curvy Wrought Iron Window Decor
- Zia Antique Standing Books
- Maruska-Geo Classics of the genre books 1
- Maruska-Geo Vintage dresser