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Brunnis-2's Blog

'Norma' Blouse **UPDATED**

Hey everyone!

It was brought to my attention recently that one of the LODs was missing from the 'Norma' Blouse and and that it still had the original one I'd worked from on the Frankenmesh. Rookie mistake, I know. Nice thing to realise about two years down the line as well - doh! Since I really can't deal with the hassle of trying to get it replaced here, you can find the fixed and updated verson over at my blog: 'Norma' Blouse - FIXED!

B2 x



A LOT to Think About

After much consideration, I don't think I'll be uploading any more lots to TSR. Since revisions are no longer accepted (unless there's a fault), I need to upload these elsewhere.

Of course, no matter where any of my creations area hosted for download, all my creations will be listed over at my blog:

Shame really because I spent such a long time revising my Gale Farm build. Would really have saved a lot of heartache if TSR had updated their 'help' section because it still talks about how to revise published submissions. :(

Gale Farm Revisted

Hey guys! Since the big uninstall/reinstall has been going on, I'm finally at a point where I can start adding my builds again - starting with Gale Farm.

It's been 2 years since I submitted it here at TSR and there a few things I've been wanting to tweak and change for a while now. I didn't have the means or the skills before, but I think my desired changes can now be achieved, so I'll be working on a revised version of it. The biggest changes will be the outhouse and storm cellar.

Watch this space...

B2 x

Computer Says No!

I'm sure I'm not the first, nor will I be the last...

I just had to sell my new laptop to my dad, who was coincidentally on the lookout for a new one. Basically, Windows 10 sucks. It sucks HARD. Add to that the fact that Lenovo don't make Windows 7 drivers for this particular model and what we have is a laptop that will not run TS3. 

Every compantibility mode, every workaround out there... I tried them all. Nothing worked. I've been trying to get this damn thing to run for the past wee, but to no avail! I'm not gonna lie, there were tears. I just don't have that kind of money to be throwing around, y'know? If I buy a new laptop/phone/TV, it's because I need something a little better, not just because something new has been released and I have to have it.

The live chat on the Argos site was as useful as a chocolate teapot. "Take it to your local store," they said. This is code for "Waste your day off in our store, fighting for a refund we will never give you" according to most Argos customers on the internet who have tried to return laptops. It's not like I didn't read the spec or go through their entire Q&A section on every colour variation page for this model. In fact, the first question on there was regarding Sims and Minecraft, to which a member of the Argos team replied, "Yes, this will run those games". Lyings sacks of sh...

Anyway, as I said, daddio to the rescue. He was looking at spending roughly that amount on a new laptop and this one will be spectacular in terms of his needs - just not so much for mine. I'm back on the horrid HP laptop and back in the loving arms of Windows 7, reinstalling TS3 as we speak (which I had been planning to do anyway).

So what have we learned from this?


  • Never trust an Argos employee's technical knowledge
  • Always check the manufacturer's site for driver's if you're planning on installing a different OS
  • Never trust an Argos employee's technical knowledge
  • Avoid Windows 10 at all costs
  • Never trust an Argos employee's technical knowledge

B2 x

New Beginnings!

Barely got my new blog up and running and I went out and got me a new laptop.

You know what that means, folks... it means a massive reinstallation of TS3 headache. Urgh.

I blame my mother. She was the one who reminded me ho much I hated my HP laptop. It needed to be done though. That machine was AWFUL!

Anyway, my saves are all backed up and who knows - a clean install could be good. Right?

B2 x

A Blog About a Blog

I rarely post in this blog, mainly because I have nothing relevant to say but lately I decided I was gonna make a proper blog for my Sims stuff. The idea started buzzing around my head shortly after the Steam sale wherein I purchased University Life, Seasons and some stuff packs. I actually played for a while (I tend to take lengthy breaks in favour of building and creating) and had the idea to maybe chronicle the life of my Sim.

Since I do keep taking these lengthy breaks, I decided that I'd double it up as a place to unleash some of my creations, most of which you will find here on TSR. The blog is still very much in it's early stages, nothing past an into post at the moment, but you can find it here: B2 Sims

Hopefully, I'll be better at blogging than my Sim - she's a best-selling author and yet her blogs suck monky-butt, haha!

B2 x

I Quit! *sadface*

All the trouble the Harley Quinn sim has been giving me, I thought I'd finally nailed it. Sent a fresh submission, as requested by the lovely TSR folk, and once again got rejected. Apparently this is due to the Arezzo Bathroom Counter attaching itself to the sim. Now, I've Googled my life away, checked the dashboard (nothing), I've looked in-game (nothing), I've followed the 12 steps laid out on the official forums and I've run my entire Sims 3 folder through Both Delphy's Dashboard and CUSTARD - everything comes up clean. That counter is nowhere! I'm at a complete loss and it saddens me that this will effectively stop me from submitting any of my crazy little sims.

All that love and attention I put into my sims and I can't share them with you. I'm truly gutted! :(



Works In Progress & Upcoming Projects

A little list of what I'm up to and what I intend to get on with in the near future, mainly because I'm forgetful if I don't write them down!


In Progress:

  • The Bates Motel - in test-mode!!!
  • Columbia (Rocky Horror) w/ full costume meshes


The 'To-Do' List

  • Calamity Jane's Shack (possibly both before and after versions)
  • Mushnik's (Little Shop of Horrors)
  • The Maitland House (Beetlejuice)


Since I'm having crumby luck with Sim submissions, I think I'll only be sharing them here in screenshot form. *sob*


Frustrations of Submissions!

It would seem my Sim keeps jumping from the Sims 3 Submisson plane and landing in the Sims 4 field. In other words, I submitted a Sims 3 sim and had it rejected because for whatever reason it was reaching the Powers That Be (who do a cracking job in speedy submission processing) as a Sims 4 submission. Has anyone had this problem? Crazy!

And the Sim in question? Harley Quinn. Mad little madam that she is, I mean, she's so insane she goes swimming in her formal clothes!

Let me know if any of you have had this same issue. Surely I'm not so dumb that I can't tell the difference between a 3 and a 4? Right? Riiiiiiiiight? *sigh*

Maybe I'm the one who's gone insane...?


Latest Headlines

'Norma' Blouse **UPDATED** A LOT to Think About Gale Farm Revisted Computer Says No! New Beginnings! A Blog About a Blog I Quit! *sadface* Works In Progress & Upcoming... Frustrations of Submissions!
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