Bubbleberri's Blog
Creations I'm a'making
I created an animated Avatar just to see if I could do it. Wait for it to lay through once. It looks better on the second run. Tell me what you think. I might make one that I will actually use as an avatar but I don't know what subject I should make it of. Obviously it will consist creations that I have made but as for the poses?? I don't knowNew Poll added to site.
I have added a new poll to my site to get some views on what you would like me to create. I have so many templates of clothing I don't know where to start. Any ideas on what I should do would be appreciated. I don't want to get back into that lull of only playing the game and not creating. I was thinking about making a set of these style clothes but I cannot remember where I got the mesh from. Does anyone know? Thankies!25 New Creations! YAY!!
I have uploaded some Yoga outfits for your simmettes and plan to upload many more.My poll is clearly indicating that people want Mens shirts so in reply to that I am bringing you 13 new Fun and untucked men shirts as well as some Mr.Men shirts.. although some are custom Mr. Men.
25 new items in total. Sweet!!
All require Maxis base game ONLY!! JOY!
I am going to attempt to make a few different items for all Sims based on the starter Sims 2 game.
Just have to get these approved now.
Stay tuned to this program :P
Sorry it's been too long between breaks.
In reply to one of the previous blogs with the toddler clothes that I had made. Sorry I cannot upload these anymore as I had to reinstall my Sims 2 game completely and lost my saved sims files.. Oppssiieee
So Naughty
I have been so naughty. I have started playing again. I really should upload my goodies but I tend to play more when I am on the computer rather than being online.I will get around to it one day though ;)
Starting off again
I am just dipping my toes in the customisation pool again after quite a while away. I thought I would start off by creating some Casual tops for our Male Simmies. Sorry they are not all that detailed but I will get back into the swing of things soon. I have some lovely toddler girl clothing to come soon.MiniSite Joy!
I have to admit my Sims designing/creating has taking a dramatic nose dive since I got super addicted to playing again.I promise with a new Mini Site there will be a new Bubbleberri. I will make sure that I will at least attempt to create new goodies to share.