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Bubbleberri's Guestbook

oldmember_shadowwolfr10Jun 2, 2005

hey, just wondering where you got that eye make-up that's on your sim in ur picture there. it's gorgeous!

StephanieMay 4, 2005

First, congratulations on the engagement. Wishing you the best of luck with that. Secondly, I love pretty much everything you've created. Excellent job. \:\)

nuttytartjanApr 25, 2005

ok i found it thanx, love your work \;\)

nuttytartjanApr 25, 2005

sorry cant find mesh for your new out fit the goth one with spiked neckless

echo66Apr 21, 2005

Love YOUR work, Bubbleberri! It's awesome. Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment in my guestbook--it made my whole day! \:wub\: \:rah\:

bidd991Apr 21, 2005

Thanks for signing my guestbook with such great comments...love your stuff...my young adult sims are wearing your wonderful outfits...thanks!!!

wolfstarz7Apr 6, 2005

\:wub\: Hi Bubbleberri ! Wow, how neat that you live in Australia and have built your own house ! I have always wanted to visit your country... as the flora and fauna are fascinating to me... Anyways... I wanted to THANK YOU for making such rad pants for our simmie men ! Wahoo ! They are very cool and the adidas shoes are the BOMB ! I am so sick of all the sandals... as here in the U.S., most guys wear sports (tennis) shoes w/their jeans and shorts... \:D \:D Will you be creating more sports themed clothes for adult and young adult guys...? I certainly hope so... I'll be waiting w/baited breath... LOL ! Thanks again ! \:wub\:

oldmember_allevApr 4, 2005

Thanks again Bubbleberri\:D It's great to have an aussie around here who can make awesome stuff\:P Thanks very much for voting

toriamosMar 4, 2005

I've downloaded and have use your dreadlocks, they are wonderful they look great in the game. I would say that it is the best hair I have use to date. Keep up the great work. toriamose

DstryrVicFeb 24, 2005

Hi I'm Vicky. I absolutely love your long hair meshes!!!\:rah\: You are obviously very talented. Keep up the awesome work!

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 23, 2005

hey grrl - I was wondering where you got the makeup freckles in your "long hair" models. THANKS BABE - CHIKA

lipglassFeb 23, 2005

OH-MY-JDGKDGJDXLUA!!!! on that screenshot of yours that says, 'my new create a sim' how the hek did ya do that!?? i am dying to know how to change the create a sim bit!!!!! plz plz plz tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

BubbleberriFeb 23, 2005

Sure nappyluv, Let me know how long yours are and I will create some for you. Thanks for commenting. \:D Good to see people appreciate my work.

nappyluvFeb 23, 2005

Hey Bubbleberri! I wanted to make a comment and a request. Just saw your work and I think it's absoulutely amazing. You have made the best dreadlocks ever. I wear simple black ones(no coloring) and was wondering if you could make a mesh for me so my sim can wear my actual hairstyle in the game. I am a new and now lifelong fan . Thanx!!!\:rah\: \:D

Vanilla SimFeb 22, 2005

Hi Bubbleberri, Thanks for the comment on my CAS! screen. I had the tutorial for a while but hadn't tried to make one until I saw yours (It's great, very creative). It's the truth really. \:\) When I saw yours as the featured screen shot I thought "I have to try this." Why doesn't your mirror work? Anyway, thanks again. \:D

megadriveFeb 21, 2005

Execellent Create a Sim Screen. Why dont u put it on TSR as a Free download \:D \:wub\: \:rah\: Megadrive \:D

oldmember_CherreceFeb 17, 2005

Hi Bubbleberri, I downloaded your recolour of the long hair at MTS2, I went back tonight only to find you deleted the thread. Just wanted to let you know, I thought..and think your work is fantastic!!!! Was looking forward to some more recolours. Just downloaded your blonde curls from here... Awesome!!!!!! But I knew it would be \:\)

oldmember_SammiiSammiiFeb 14, 2005

I love your Blonde Curlz you have created they are really cool! My sims are gonna look hip! \:D

Ellen CurryFeb 4, 2005

Hello Bubbleberri, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me where you got the bunkbeds I saw in your screen shot of the daughters of the Grimreaper dated Feb 4th.I had a set of bunkbeds for the Sims1 and I enjoyed them so much.Did you make them? If not, please tell me where I can get them. Thank you so much! Ellen Curry Avid Simoholic

NemiDec 19, 2004

Me, too. \:\) I've sumbitted both now and will get started on the high chairs next. lol

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