Bury me deep inside your heart

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Bury me deep inside your heart's Guestbook

beatifullieNov 16, 2008

Yeaaaa kakkoii!!! \:D I read it... OMG I love it \:wub\: !!!! BUT WHY only 5 chapters !!!???? I want moooore !!! \:eek\: And spain have Mtv ?? And again why I must live in unadvanced country !!!!! \:eek\: Soooo awesome concert ? \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 15, 2008

Ur mum, ur dad and ur brothers??? WOoW My mam think this till now.. \:D \:D \:D Hahahha But she have realy differnt opinion about my bands... \:D \:D Sooorr... No my bad..becose i realy resembling names...Yea.I look like visual key.... \:D \:D But I am not normal girl... \:D \:D \:D But sometimes in school I look like normal girl..Becose slovakia is very conservative county... And Do you look like visual kei? \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 14, 2008

My mam thought he was a girl, too ....\:D \:D \:D But they have only 1 album...And as Nevada tan..maybe.... I don´t know... becose Im isn´t very dependence on nevada tan (panic) as my visual key \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 14, 2008

I downloaded it from http://www.manga-sketchbook.org ... \:D \:D And I like more Panic than tokio hotel... but Tokio hotel is hated here (in slovakia)... But I dont know why...they are ok.. \:D So and How long time u lisen tokio hotel ? \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 14, 2008

WooW.. 4 hours!!!! \:D \:D \:D Ooooh and now Im dowloandig Goth... OMG Waaaaaaa!!!!! Its so KAKKOII !!!!\:wub\: \:wub\: So BiiiiiiiG thanks for ur help \:D \:D \:D .... \:confused\: \:o \:D \:D \:D \:D aaand Goth is only 5 chapters ?? \:eek\: \:confused\: .... And I speak english, Slovakia language, of course Czech language and realy a bit German and Japanese(still learning).... and do you know another language? Hugz \:D

beatifullieNov 12, 2008

Hi! Hmmm ....so u have a few less hours as we... \:D \:D \:D and So where u are reading Goth ? Becose I can´t find it.... Thnx

Bury me deep inside your heartNov 12, 2008

Thanks for the super page\:D I'm so glad you like it!!! It's 13:40 now

beatifullieNov 12, 2008

Now I wos watching ur page .... Super page !!! \:rah\: \:rah\: now It´s 16:54... But I have CET (UCT +1) and how about u ?\:D \:D

beatifullieNov 11, 2008

Now, U are doing homework? I now going sleep \:D.. Chemistry???? Bleaa \:confused\: \:eek\: \:rolleyes: and all morning ? ...I hate chemistry....OMG tomorrow we have chemistry....and I read manga on manga otaku or manga volume... \:D and how about u? Hugs and good night..

beatifullieNov 11, 2008

Hi! U are in chapter 44?! WOoOW ... I just read them on internet.Becose here in central europa is imposible buy it...And how about u? \:D \:D \:D "Goth" ...\:confused\: \:wub\: awwwwwwwww it looks like KAKKOII !!!! So I must see it !!!And how many chapters have " Goth" ? \:D hugs

beatifullieNov 11, 2008

Hi Maru! \:D Im realy happy!!!\:D \:D Thanks...and how about u ? And I don´t receive new PC, still not yet \:mad\: .... U can't finish ur new Death Note's stuff ????\:confused\: Damn PCs !!! ..and yes!!! The SIME 3!!!! WoooooW !! And recently (yeasterday) I readed Vampire Knight ...\:wub\: So yeasterday I wos can´t waiting on new anime episode. Becose Yuki and Kanme...??!!! OMG.....I wos must going on manga and..... \:rolleyes: now im in 39 episode...Outch.\:puke\: \:wacko\: ..and What mangas did you recently read? Hugsss \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 8, 2008

Hi !!! \:D Oh my pic.. Thaaank u so much.. \:D But It isn´t anomalous... It´s only my amyous pc... Whit horryble amyous graphic card.... so BTW The black sky is normal in my game when it starts to snow.....hahhah...But now I´ll receive new pc....only few days I must wait.... \:D \:D And from ur favourite I know only half....yet L !!!!!!! \:D so what´s new ? \:D \:D \:D

beatifullieNov 6, 2008

Of course I have !!!\:D But i forget my name\:rolleyes: ... LoL I must go to my e-mail and find it... \:D So are you have myspace, aren´t u ? \:D

beatifullieNov 6, 2008

Hi Maru!!! Ur pc broke down? U've lost ur sims? OMG \:rolleyes: and awwwww yea.. Zero is soooo sweet and HOT!!!I would like to find a guy like him, too.. sooo u draw ur favourites chatacters... And so who are ur favourite characters ? \:D \:D BTW Thaaaaaaaank u so much fo ur comment on my screenshot ! \:rah\:

maxi kingNov 6, 2008

\:\( Hi,I had some problems so I'm late,we don't have Halloween like you but we got something like it on the 10 of Nov.!\:D

beatifullieNov 5, 2008

Hi Maru!!!\:D new Vampire Knight...OMG OMG OMG ... I watched it... WAAAAAA!!!!\:eek\: KANAME!!! He is sooo...\:mad\: .... and Zero is so kawaii !!!!\:o and U are pretty good??? KAKKOII !!!!! I LOVE to draw in manga style... \:D \:D \:D Now I draw some manga story whit my friend..She writteing and I drawing.. \:D \:D \:D \:o ..Ooooh.. my crazy dreams..Sooo what are u drawing?? Hugs Martina

wickedgoddess_athena711Nov 4, 2008

thanks haru! I'll go check those dresses and the bed!

skyblue7377Nov 3, 2008

you are very welcome dear...huge hugs

beatifullieNov 3, 2008

WooOW!!!\:D \:D \:D New set Death note ?? \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: awwwwww...And Im fine \:D \:D Soon will new Vampire knight´s anime episode !!!!! awwwww\:wub\: \:wub\: But for this Im Great!!!!\:D \:D Thanks .. and How are u ? By the way... I want ask u something.. the pictures... persons from deathnote, from your sets.. It wos drewing u ? \:D

beatifullieNov 2, 2008

Hi Maru!!!I found my Kaname...But He lives far.\:confused\: Yea I made myself costume.\:D Yuuuuuuuuki!!!!!!\:D \:D \:D I love Halloween!!! \:wub\: \:wub\: So waht´s new?? ... Greetings

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