
638Creations 750,730Downloads

Callisto149's Blog

Spreading the good news

I've been away from here for a long time. Honestly, I needed to be away from any and all drama. I've learned to mesh clothing, and I did try once to submit a set of recolors of one of my meshes, only to have it turned down, because I change the name of my stuff. Whoever turned it down claimed that without the number string that Body Shop puts at the beginning of an item, it won't work. That simply isn't true. Lots of people have successfully used my clothing, with the name changes. Since I've pretty much been doing only clothing for months, I haven't had anything to submit here that they would accept.

And then my friend Frogger started to mesh objects. She does beautiful work, and I want to share it with you. I'm currently working on a recolor of one of her mesh sets to submit here. Possibly two. I know you'll like her work, too.

You probably won't see too much of me here, though, because clothing is still my favorite thing to create, especially now that I can do basic meshing. I'm still a newbie at it, but having tons of fun!

I don't know if anyone reads these things, but I thought I'd let you know, just the same. lol

Creating again

Hi all! I'm beginning to create again, after a bit of a break. But, I've made a decision. Some of my work will be submitted to TSR, but mostly only recolors of subscriber-only meshes. ALL of my work, except TSR-subscriber-only meshes will be at

Frankly, that's where my focus is now. I'm a valued staff member/artist there, I have control over my submissions, and when they appear, and I get to work/play with a great bunch of women. The amount of space I have there is way more than a minisite here. And, I don't have to take individual screenshots, just a set picture. That leaves me more time to create.

I'll miss all of you, but come see me over there. And I'll be around some here, too, just not as much.



Slowing down

I've managed to catch something (cold, flu, I don't know...) and I'm slowing down on creating. Actually, right now, I'm NOT creating. And, since TSR is being very slow at approving submissions, right now, I guess it's a good time.

I am also splitting my submissions between here and another site, as well. I really prefer submitting to the other site, but I won't abandon the people here who seem to like my work. So, TSR gets some of my work, the other place gets some of my work, and some goes to both. That's not going to change any time soon.

So, when I feel well, and my muse gets back from her vacation, you will see some more Callisto's Creations. I'm thinking of branching into kitchens and bathrooms. I have a green kitchen half done that I'll probably finish. And Earth Goddess at Natural Sims has a wonderful bathroom mesh set that I'll be recoloring sooner or later. Check it out, and give me some color ideas, okay? It's called Keep It Clean bathroom.



Dorm rooms

I'm getting ready to send some of my simmies off to college. I took one look at the maxis dorms, and thought "Ugh!" So, there will be some new dorm furnishings coming your way. I'm making four inexpensive bedrooms to send with your simmies, when they head off to the Higher Learning institutions. Actually, I'm making eight, but the other four will be submitted to another site I'm a part of. I hope you like them.

Princesses and other projects

Well, I've finished my Disney Princess bedrooms. There are still a few add-on things that I want to do. Well, really just more bedding and curtains. I also have an idea to do some dorm rooms, so keep an eye out for that. I'm finishing up some texture challenges, and would like to take a little break from those. I planned to, but they asked me to provide textures this week here at TSR. So, I kinda had to use them! Hopefully, I can find some time to get onto other projects soon. Real life is crazy right now, and that's not helping any. Thanks to all of you who pop in on my minisite to see what's new and read these things. I really appreciate it.

Princess Collection File

With my Princess bedroom sets having so many pieces, I confess I haven't always remembered to put every piece in the collection file, particularly the walls and floor. For some reason, the Cinderella dollhouse wasn't in my game, and I had to remake it. With the exception of that piece, the collection file in my latest set, Aurora, is totally complete to date, and will have every single piece you have downloaded from any of my Princess bedrooms so far. I'll try really hard to remember to keep it updated when I submit Mulan and Ariel. I also have plans to make two additional sets of bedding for all eight Princesses, and maybe some clothing like pajamas. I'm not anywhere near done with Princesses. I'm just addicted to them!

Woohoo! Mini-site!

I have been waiting for a long time to get this! I finally got enough kudos! Welcome, welcome, everyone! ~dancing around all the new space~

Latest Headlines

Spreading the good news Creating again Slowing down Dorm rooms Princesses and other projects Princess Collection File Woohoo! Mini-site!
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