Char_Sims's Blog
Working On House 3
I've been working on my 3rd house for a few weeks. I've been procrastinating a bit on it. My 2nd house release, I know wasn't my best. I know I could've done better. I've been thinking about taking it down from TSR but I don't know yet. I just wanted to put something out bcus I know it had been a while. Anyways, I've been a little stumped on the interior layout of the 3rd house and have been caught up with other things. I will be back on board in a bit. I think the 3rd house is a better step up from my previous release and I hope you all will like that one once I am finished with it!
So, I just published my house. I hope all goes well and it's approved!! I'm so excited for this. I really hope you all will like it.
House Is Finally Done
I'm so happy to have finished building and decorating this house. I almost thought my computer was going to die on me lol Just gotta clean it up now and make sure everything is accessible for you guys. Hopefully, it will be uploaded sometime today. I hope you all will like it.
First House!
Hey guys, I know that my page is pretty empty right now and I'm sooo sorry about that but the good news is that I've been working very diligently on this small project of mine which is a new house. I'm so excited about it. I think it looks pretty decent so look out for that real soon. :-)