Chilili's Blog
Houses- Walls & Floor sets
I create lovely & unique houses, also walls & floors, that are different then any I have seen.
If I can I will upload some.
As soon as I get a web sight I will download what I create
Creations, furniture, decorations
I want to know if I can use furniture from artists who seem no longer to be doing anything here for sims1? I want to use some of their old stuff (sims2 stuff) for my houses to use on another sight. You won't let me put my walls/floors or houses on your sight, so I found some people who really care about their members.
Now can I use, shakeshaft, Reevena, Jope or Cashcraft. I will assume they are no longer doing anything for the sims2 game. I am going to use my walls/ floors and houses on the other sight, even the one I think I left for you, just the viewing.
If you have any politeness you will at least answer this post.
If they are no long creating sims2 for you, then I think we should be allowed to use them on other sights. I tried to get in touch with eveyone of these people, but you have it so they can get no email from me.
Have the decency to answer this post please
email me @
I'm hurt that you make it so impossible, awful, meanly, inconsiderate for some members to be able to get their creations on your sight.
We'll see how decent you are to your members, if you answer this letter, I have 7 days left to reup my membership, if you want me to reup, then answer this blog.
Sims 2 - Creating
Hi TSR Members,
I am now putting some of my houses with my walls and floors in the houses.
I love creating for the sims2, it is a lot of fun to sit and think of how you would have your own house look like. I try to create unique houses, like having the kitchen on the top floor, I was always told that grease and smoke smells go up stairs from the kitchen down stairs. Well, I think I fixed that problem by having my kitchen on the top floor. This is my unique signature of mine, I don't see to many other homes on here that are created that way. I am getting ready to tell a story of one of my sims folks, first time I will do this, so be looking for it soon.
Thanks for coming to my blog and visiting. chilili
Walls, Floors & Houses
Well, I submitted a wall set to TSR and am just waiting to see if I did it right, ? maybe I hope.
I enjoy the sims2 game. I have build so many houses that I don't know where to build anymore. I wonder how many towns you can create B4 you run out of space, well, if I live long enough, maybe I will find out.
I am starting a story now and hope to have it up on TSR soon as well as pictures of the sims2 I am writing about.
PLEASE help in getting my walls/floors & houses on TSR, I think now I need some real support.
I think I have also created over 1000 wall sets, I didn't realize how much time it takes but I love doing it.
Thanks everyone here at TSR who helped me to learn how to turn my furniture at a 45 degree angle, I am really haveing fun now with my sims2.
Happy Summer to all
May God's blessings be many and your woes be few
God Bless
I'm hoping that I can get some of my walls & floors here on the simsresource. You can visit my mini site and see 2 of the designs I have created, I want to put more on here soon.
Be patient and I will.
I guess I'm just to old to change to the sims3, I really love the sims2,
I went out the other day to get the sims2 mansion & garden and could not believe you cannot buy it any where anymore. How unreal is that. I need a second disc so I could play it on my table top or my lap top. And low and behold, no where could I get it. I just hope I can make a back up copy to use on my table top. I will let you all know.
Thanks & Happy Simming
Sims 3/Not a player per say
I purchased the sims 3 game and found some flaws in it. When I go to put furniture in it, I get this green streak from what ever and where ever I try to put the piece of furniture I am placing. It makes it hard to see the piece of furniture when I try to place it.... Does anyone else have this problem?.
I had it on the same computer as my sims2, will that interfere with the sims3 game?
Sure hope not.....Took it off for now, until I hear from others about this.
I guess I have to say I am a diehard Sims2 player
Having Fun with Sims 2
I so enjoy playing my sims2, I love making houses and walls & floors. I play the sims2 game at least 2 to 3 hours a night. I guess you could say I'm a die hard Sims 2 player.
I love come to "thesimsresource" too. There are so many things to get here. You could never get board with the collection of things they have....I know I don't. It seems TSR has everything I could want or need for my sims.
Way to go TSR...Happy to be a member.
The Sims 3
I purchased the Sims3 and found it is ok, but it can't really take the place of my Sims2.... I just love this game...
Making walls and houses is just such a treat for me....It keeps my mind thinking of new ways to build this or make that.
I just love thesimsresource.... this is the only place I will come to get furniture, etc for my sims...TSR is a trusted sight for me.
I must spend hours with my sims, growing them and building for them and making for them...... Keep Simming everyone....
About Me and My Blog?
I'm not sure what a blog is, maybe someone out there can write and tell me what it is and what I do on it.
I know one thing I love TheSimsResource and have since 2003. I love coming to this site. It has so many things to offer.
Can someone tell me where I can go to get a look at sims3 and do I have to go online to have it or play it?
I am just a housewife and just play the sims2, ALOT, I am trying to find out more about the sims3 before I buy it.
You know pig in a poke and all that stuff. I really want to see it in action first and I hope I can play it without going on line.
I found I just can't get into the Sims3, It moves to slow for me, I have the original and 2 of the expansion packs and the hint book.
LOVE this site.