So Much to Learn!!
I have (finally) submitted my second lot, Red Maples. What a challenge! I included custom content in this lot and found there is a lot more involved in using CC than I imagined.
In my first attempt at this lot nearly all of my furnishings were CC. I ended up with a file much larger than the 50MB upload limit. Ok, back to the drawing board. More in-game furnishings, less CC.
Next, I discovered I had used some EA Exchange patterns, which I downloaded before I discovered TSR. I wasn't sure if that was acceptable so I asked the question and was told that, yes, I could use them but that patterns created with the EA Create a Pattern tool do not always upload properly. So I replaced all of the EA Exchange patterns with in-game patterns and TSR custom patterns. As suggested, I tested my exported lot in a "vanilla" version of the game, and that's when I learned that some of the TSR custom patterns I used were also made with the EA Create a Pattern tool and wouldn't export properly. (Too bad because these were really beautiful.) So, I had to replace them with patterns created using TSR Workshop. They worked fine and looked great, too! At last, I thought I was home free.
Wrong! When I tried to upload my lot, I received the dreaded "RigFix" error so I had to run TSR's RigFix program on my CC. Actually, that turned out to be much easier than I expected from reading all of the posts on the subject. I just followed the instructions and it must have worked because my lot uploaded fine this time. Now, it's just a matter of waiting for approval--I hope.
I know this is a long post but I thought maybe some of you might benefit from my experience, so here it is. I hope you all enjoy this new lot as much as I enjoyed creating it--over and over, LOL.