Cyclonesue's Blog
The Radon Detonating Toilet Review
This week's Cyclonesue Trusted Review is the self-detonating Radon toilet...
Read why you should not use this toilet!
The Dama Beady Toilet Review
What is a Beady? I wondered that too! Welcome to your first Cyclonesue Trusted Review!
The HARSH TRUTH about Sims 4 toilets
Did you know that toilets in games are the most fascinating item of all?
If you thought you were safe...
Hello everyone - thank you so much for all your wonderful comments in my guestbook and on my creations. I read them all and feel massively grateful and humbled. It's your comments that make me want to create and I love reading them all (unfortunately, given my work schedule I don't have time to reply to them individually but I read every single one and feel very appreciative - and often amused)!
Just in case you thought things had become a little tame in this dark corner of the site, rest assured I'm now working on my particular brand of horrible toilet! Pictures will follow just to make sure I truly upset your otherwise pleasant day. Are there other horrible things you'd like to see? Let me know in the comments if so. Note: wondows are being a bit of a bane right now, not sure what is wrong yet but once I've resolved it I shall start making collections of windows too. Right now though, windows and doors are a bit off the agenda. Anything else, name it as it might inspire my next set.
Happy Simming and stay safe. Hugs and love.
Just in case you were hoping that I'd done with this ridiculous GARAGE series, you'd be wrong. In fact, it's about to become even more ridiculous. Meet The Love Bug Loveseat - made of garbage as usual.
Return of the Prodigal Rust-Monger
It may come as a disappointment, but I'm returning. It's quite sickening to see all these twee lots and frilly furniture, so I'm going to spoil it all over again. Look out for new releases for Sims 4 in March, together with some conversions from some of my Sims 3 catalogue.
TUTORIAL: Placing lots of any size - and where (short guide)
I've been asked quite a few times now what world and location I use for my lot screenshots, and also how to place lots of varying sizes, so I've put together a simple tutorial (using the area I build in as an example) which I hope will answer both questions...

- 40 x 30 is fine
- 40 x 40 is fine
- 30 x 30 is not fine

Broken Walls aren't broken - so to speak!
You might have noticed in my upcoming creation that I once again have broken walls (similar to those I once made for Sims 2).
I actually made them a long time ago, but EA spotted what I was doing and swiftly introduced a nasty little bug with World adventures that left an ugly grey border where any seamless window was placed (and of course the broken walls are actually windows).
After the early expansion packs, I did routinely try them again and again, but no joy. if anything, the fault became worse. So these windows were allowed to join another 200 or so windows in my "dump it" folder (I tend to get ideas for windows, make them and then dump - it's a bad habit).
But yesterday, when preparing screenshots for my Industrial Tanks set, I decided to try one just for kicks - and it looked normal - totally correct! So, at long last, I can finally launch these windows so your Sims towns can also be in ruins - literally.
Oh no - it's back!
Yes, it's me. I'm back, and I'm creating again!
Unfortunately, picture uploading doesn't seem to be working, but what I have in the pipeline is a set of industrial tanks of all shapes and sizes that will be great for anyone wanting a more urban/industrial look or are building a farm or other building that might need tanks. I have another lot in the Bridge Lane series coming (thanks for the requests on this - I'm really happy how popular this dark series has turned out to be, and a small, abandoned factory for those of you who enjoy downloading lots to renovate and make homes from. Finally, I have some steel truss girders and columns that can support floor tiles or be built free-standing. I'll likely do the same with some scaffolding and make that into a floor support set of the Cyclonesue kind. Have a great day and, as always, thanks for all your wonderful comments!
Where do you do it?
I've been asked a few times now which world I use for my screenshots, and even if I would be willing to upload it. However, you may well already have it! I use Bridgeport (which came with the Late Night expansion pack).
I had to butcher a few EA properties (mostly parks and stuff) but chose a spot with a neat view over the bay and with plenty of high-rise apartments to litter the view, and then all my 'Bridge Lane Railway' properties have been built along the same road (I have another of those ready for upload, by the way).