Crusade Windows and Doors - 9th October!
A new set of windows and doors to be filed under 'complete'! Crusade Windows and Doors is up for publishing this coming Friday 9th October!
I rue the day when I said (at the beginning of Workshop development and testing) that at least meshing was easy. "Meshing is now the easy part; throw together a mesh in 10 minutes - it's the rest that takes longer". What a n00b!
Having spent 1-2 days per window mesh (and let's not bother naming the extra days one stupid door took to fathom, never mind mesh), I wish to retract that ridiculous statement I made. It is indeed possible to throw something together very quickly, but the end result looks like a word I'm not allowed to use here
Never mind! Set is out. I can now ungrit my teeth and start trying to be personable at home again!
By the way, the matching Castle Stonemasonry wallpapers used in this screenie are already published and available free to download. It is an irony that this wallpaper set is probably my most popular creation! This required no meshing or gritted teeth!