You asked, and... WILL get!
I've received quite a few requests for my "Hole In The Wall" windows from Sims 2 - and some factory windows. They're on my list for sure - consider them done (except they're not, so I'm just monopolising the idea as usual...). I need to finish off a new Alpine spin-off first (Marina Roofline 30-degree windows), but I do plan on bringing back (or more accurately, making from scratch because I was a lazy Sims 2 mapper - and that doesn't do for Sims s) those hole-in-the-wall windows, and I do look forward to a new series of factory-style windows too. What they will be, I don't know yet, but I have lots of ideas!
The toilet set isn't coming yet. I need a repair made to Workshop first, but when it is, I'm good to go with it - I even have a fab and grim cubicle door made ready!