Some New Year's Resolutions for you...
Happy New Year to you! There, that's that boring old formality done with. Now for the real purpose of a calendar date merely switching from one number to the next: the ridiculous excuse to make RESOLUTIONS!
But of course you haven't bothered with that. Most resolutions (like dieting, giving up smoking, and resolving not to dredge up forum threads that are at least eight years old) are all completely phoney and you'll give up within two seconds of the last line of "Auld Lang Syne" (btw: can we PLEASE have a new dratted end-of-year song next year?!). However, resolutions are what I'm good at (when selecting for other people, that is) and so allow me...
Do not mention the word DOOR to me ever again during the remainder of this year. In particular, do not come waving that grey modern door at me asking for clones. Just don't - okay?
You will learn to love inside-out windows. They are unusual and uniquely authentic to the creator.
It is no secret that there were some creators who were shockingly lazy and inept at Sims 2 creation. It is therefore cruel and borderline harrassment to badger these witless creators with requests to convert their Sims 2 work to Sims 3 as it merely serves to remind them (and the rest of the world) of their ineptitude and make them a laughing-stock of the entire Sims community. I would hate to be one of those unfortunate creators who took two months to convert some simple Gothic windows, for example....
Resolve to understand talent like you have never understood it before. To judge a creation by how it looks in the game or how useful it might be is such a gauche way to judge, these days. If you find yourself looking at a questionable object that not only doesn't look very good, but also has little if any value or purpose (especially if it came from MY pages) assume that there is special hidden talent in the object's inception: some finesse, some miraculous touch to bring you an unseen level of quality that isn't cheaply obvious like those other so-called 'wonderful creations' you might hear about....
If any creation (such as one from any of my pages) should send your game up in smoke, then it is etiquette to laugh about it. The proper way to laugh is a light, tinkly laughter that is gentle on the ears. You may voice appropriate words too like: "I never did mind about the little things..." (such as Crash To Desktop and "Unable to start process..." messages). Sims wearing their heads back to front, returning from holiday to greet themselves sat on the sofa in triplicate or a Sim suddenly married to their toddler are hardly shocking events in the world of EA at the moment, so a mere loss of everything is nothing really. Just laugh - tinklingly.