Those urban backdrops...
For Picket's Trailors (pictured left), I placed the Container Shipping Yard to one side. This lot is not one I tend to play that often, but it does look very colourful and industrial, with a tall crane on top completing the effect. Behind that, I placed one of the Industrial Age lots: the Gas Street Power Station because the tall chimneys and large windows really stand out in a neighbourhood background.
And why am I telling you all this? Well, it's easy to download a lot because of its screenshot. I never alter screenshots of actual buildings or objects offered for download; I sometimes change the sky backdrop so it's a little less of a cheerful blue!) but surrounding neighbourhood decor can still mislead, with the lot itself seeming much more plain in an empty neighbourhood. That can be disappointing, so I figured I'd tell you what I used (and provide the links so you can easily do something similar if you wish).
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