I was going to cite tales about the impoverished state of the world economy as the reasons why my monthly freebies have not been available this past couple of months (after all, I wouldn't want 'free gas cylinders' tipping the balance and sending all finance markets to their final collapse), but I figured you might not believe that sort of thing, so I'll make it a little easier by explaining that the lack of freebies was due largely to my thoughtlessness (some would say due COMPLETELY to my thoughtlessness...). So, in the hope that you'd rapidly forgive my tardiness, I have released not one, but TWO diabolical and of-no-use-whatsoever sets this month (in other words, my usual fare). A nice set of
newspaper stands and some gleaming decorative
light switches seemed to fit the bill nicely. As usual, click the images to go to the download pages.
Naturally, there is nothing 'nice' available - just a little bit of urban decor to further spoil any not-so-nice lots you've been making (or downloading). I particularly think that my light switches will complement all that nice furniture in the Maxis Ikea 'Stuff Pack' (yes, one of those packs I'm far too mean to purchase).
Enjoy! (or not)
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